Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

libcm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libcm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmDspPgmKrTimeLineLiteAf : 'snap' Performance analysis Simplified Time Line program.

#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmText.h"
#include "cmFileSys.h"
#include "cmSymTbl.h"
#include "cmJson.h"
#include "cmPrefs.h"
#include "cmDspValue.h"
#include "cmMsgProtocol.h"
#include "cmThread.h"
#include "cmUdpPort.h"
#include "cmUdpNet.h"
#include "cmSerialPort.h"
#include "cmTime.h"
#include "cmAudioSys.h"
#include "cmProcObj.h"
#include "cmDspCtx.h"
#include "cmDspClass.h"
#include "cmDspSys.h"
#include "cmDspPgm.h"

#include "cmAudioFile.h"
#include "cmProcObj.h"
#include "cmProc.h"
#include "cmProc3.h"

#include "cmVectOpsTemplateMain.h"
#include "cmVectOps.h"
#include "cmDspPgmKrChain.h"
cmDspPgm_TimeLineLite : Simplified score vs. the performance and generating related audio transforms.

cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_TimeLineLiteAf(cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
  cmDspRC_t rc                       = kOkDspRC;
  cmCtx_t*  cmCtx                    = cmDspSysPgmCtx(h);
  cmErr_t   err;
  krRsrc_t  r;
  unsigned  sfBufCnt                 = 7;      // length of the MIDI event buffer
  unsigned  sfMaxWndCnt              = 10;     // length of the score event buffer
  unsigned  sfMinVel                 = 5;      // ignore MIDI events below this velocity
  bool      sfEnaMeasFl              = true;
  cmErrSetup(&err,&cmCtx->rpt,"Kr TimelineLite");
  if( krLoadRsrc(h,&err,&r) != kOkDspRC )
    return rc;
  //int baseAudioInCh =  0; // 2;
  int baseAudioOutCh = 0; // 2;
  cmDspInst_t* tlp  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"TimeLine",    "tl",  2, r.tlFn, r.tlPrefixPath );
  cmDspInst_t* scp  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Score",       "sc",  1, r.scFn );
  cmDspInst_t* pts  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"PortToSym",   NULL,  2, "on", "off" );
  cmDspInst_t* php =  cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Phasor",    NULL,  0 );
  cmDspInst_t* wt0 =  cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"WaveTable", NULL,  7, ((int)cmDspSysSampleRate(h)), 1, NULL, -1, 0, -1, 0 );
  cmDspInst_t* wt1 =  cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"WaveTable", NULL,  7, ((int)cmDspSysSampleRate(h)), 1, NULL, -1, 0, -1, 1 );
  cmDspInst_t* mfp  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"MidiFilePlay",NULL,  0 );
  cmDspInst_t* nmp  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"NanoMap",     NULL,  0 );
  cmDspInst_t* sfp  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScFol",       NULL,  5, r.scFn, sfBufCnt, sfMaxWndCnt, sfMinVel, sfEnaMeasFl );
  cmDspInst_t* amp  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ActiveMeas",  NULL,  1, 100 );
  cmDspInst_t* modp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScMod",       NULL,  2, r.modFn, "m1" );
  cmDspInst_t* its  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"IntToSym",    NULL,  2, 0, "off");
  unsigned   preGrpSymId     = cmDspSysPresetRegisterGroup(h,"tl");
  unsigned   cmpPreGrpSymId  = cmDspSysPresetRegisterGroup(h,"tl_cmp"); 
  cmDspTlXform_t c0,c1;
  _cmDspSys_TlXformChain(h, &c0, preGrpSymId, cmpPreGrpSymId, amp, modp, 0, 0 );
  _cmDspSys_TlXformChain(h, &c1, preGrpSymId, cmpPreGrpSymId, amp, modp, 1, 1 );
  cmDspInst_t* lmix = cmDspSysAllocInst(h, "AMix",      NULL, 1, 2 );
  cmDspInst_t* rmix = cmDspSysAllocInst(h, "AMix",      NULL, 1, 2 );
  cmDspInst_t* ao0 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut",    NULL,   1, baseAudioOutCh+0 ); 
  cmDspInst_t* ao1 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut",    NULL,   1, baseAudioOutCh+1 ); 
  //cmDspInst_t* notesOffb= cmDspSysAllocInst(h,&quotButton&quot, &quotnotesOff&quot,   2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* onb     = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "start",   2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* offb    = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "stop",    2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* mod_sel = cmDspSysAllocMsgList(h, NULL, "mod_sel", 1 );
  cmDspInst_t* prp     = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL,   1, ">" );
  cmDspInst_t* prd     = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL,   1, "DYNM:" );
  cmDspInst_t* pre     = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL,   1, "EVEN:" );
  cmDspInst_t* prt     = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL,   1, "TMPO:");
  cmDspInst_t* prc     = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL,   1, "COST:");
  // Record &lt-&gt Live switches
  cmDspInst_t* tlRt  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);   // time line swich
  cmDspInst_t* mfpRt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  cmDspInst_t* ogain0 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Dry Out Gain-0",   5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0,   10.0,0.01,   1.0 );  
  cmDspInst_t* ogain1 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Dry Out Gain-1",   5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0,   10.0,0.01,   1.0 );  
  cmDspInst_t* ogain2 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Wet Out Gain-2",   5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0,   10.0,0.01,   1.0 );  
  cmDspInst_t* ogain3 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Wet Out Gain-3",   5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0,   10.0,0.01,   1.0 );  
  cmDspInst_t* ogainW = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Wet Master",   5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0,   10.0,0.01,   1.0 );  
  cmDspInst_t* ogainD = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Dry Master",   5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0,   10.0,0.01,   1.0 );  
  cmDspInst_t* gmult0  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScalarOp", NULL, 6, 2, "*$", "in-0", 1.0, "in-1", 1.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* gmult1  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScalarOp", NULL, 6, 2, "*$", "in-0", 1.0, "in-1", 1.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* gmult2  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScalarOp", NULL, 6, 2, "*$", "in-0", 1.0, "in-1", 1.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* gmult3  = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScalarOp", NULL, 6, 2, "*$", "in-0", 1.0, "in-1", 1.0 );
  // Audio file recording
  cmDspInst_t* recdGain= cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Recd Gain",  5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0,   100.0,0.01, 1.5 );  
  cmDspInst_t* recdChk = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "Record",     2, kCheckDuiId, 0.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* recdPtS = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"GateToSym", NULL,      2, cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol(cmDspSysSymbolTable(h),"open"),cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol(cmDspSysSymbolTable(h),"close"));
  cmDspInst_t* afop    = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioFileOut",NULL,    2, r.recordDir,2);
  cmDspInst_t* mi0p    = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AMeter","In 0",  0);
  cmDspInst_t* mi1p    = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AMeter","In 1",  0);
  cmDspInst_t* meas    = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Begin Meas", 5, kNumberDuiId, 1.0, 1000.0, 1.0, 1.0 );  
  cmDspInst_t* eloc    = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "End   Loc",  5, kNumberDuiId, 1.0, 1000.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
  cmDspInst_t* sfp_loc = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Label",  NULL, 1, "sf loc:");
  cmDspSysInstallCb( h, meas, "val", scp, "meas", NULL);
  cmDspSysInstallCb( h, meas, "val", tlp, "meas", NULL);
Preset controls
cmDspSysNewColumn(h,0); cmDspInst_t* preset = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Preset", NULL, 1, preGrpSymId ); cmDspInst_t* presetLbl = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Text", "Preset", 1, "" ); cmDspInst_t* storeBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "store", 0); cmDspInst_t* recallBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "recall", 0); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, presetLbl, "val", preset, "label",NULL); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, storeBtn, "sym", preset, "cmd", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, recallBtn, "sym", preset, "cmd", NULL ); cmDspInst_t* prePath = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Fname", "prePath", 3, true,NULL,r.tlPrefixPath); //cmDspSysNewColumn(h,0);
Recorded performance evaluation and Active Measurement related controls
cmDspInst_t* clrBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "clear", 0); cmDspInst_t* prtBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "dump", 0); cmDspInst_t* amCmd = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "PortToSym", NULL, 2, "add", "rewind" ); if((rc = cmDspSysLastRC(h)) != kOkDspRC ) return rc; // Output Audio file recording. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdGain,"val", afop, "gain0", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdGain,"val", afop, "gain1", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdChk, "out", recdPtS, "on", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdChk, "out", recdPtS, "off", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdPtS, "out", afop, "sel", NULL ); // Audio connections cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, php, "out", wt0, "phs" ); // phasor -&gt wave table cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, php, "out", wt1, "phs" ); cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, wt0, "out", lmix, "in-0" ); // wave table -&gt audio out (dry output) cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, wt1, "out", rmix, "in-0" ); //cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, wt0, &quotout&quot, lmix, &quotin-1&quot ); // wave table -&gt audio out (dry output) //cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, wt1, &quotout&quot, rmix, &quotin-1&quot ); // cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, wt0, "out", mi0p, "in" ); cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, wt0, "out", c0.kr0, "in" ); // ain -&gt ch0.kr0 cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, wt0, "out", c0.kr1, "in" ); // ain -&gt ch0.kr1 cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c0.cmp,"out", lmix, "in-1" ); // ch0.cmp -&gt aout cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c0.cmp,"out", afop, "in0"); // ch0.cmp -&gt audio_file_out cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, wt1, "out", mi1p, "in" ); cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, wt1, "out", c1.kr0, "in" ); // ain -&gt ch1.kr0 cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, wt1, "out", c1.kr1, "in" ); // ain -&gt ch1.kr1 cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c1.cmp,"out", rmix, "in-1" ); // ch1.cmp -&gt aout cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c1.cmp,"out", afop, "in1"); // ch1.cmp -&gtaudio_file_out cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, lmix, "out", ao0, "in" ); cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, rmix, "out", ao1, "in" ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, clrBtn, "sym", amp, "cmd", NULL ); // clear active meas. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, prtBtn, "sym", modp, "cmd", NULL ); // print active meas //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, prtBtn, &quotsym&quot, scp, &quotcmd&quot, NULL ); // print the score cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amCmd, "add", amp, "cmd", NULL ); // add active meas cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amCmd, "rewind", amp, "cmd", NULL ); // rewind active meas //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, &quotout&quot, amRt, &quotf-in&quot, NULL ); // sfp-active meas router (rtr is switched by live btn) //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amRt, &quotf-out-0&quot,amp, &quotsfloc&quot, NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "out", amp, "sfloc", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vloc", amp, "loc", NULL ); // live meas's to active meas unit cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vval", amp, "val", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vcost",amp, "cst", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vtyp", amp, "type", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vtyp", amCmd, "add", NULL); // ***** delete this to prevent the score follower from driving the active-measure unit in 'live' mode //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amRt, &quotf-out-1&quot,amp, &quotsfloc&quot, NULL ); // ***** // active measure loc to xfad channel trigger // //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, &quotscloc&quot,c0.achan, &quottrig&quot, NULL ); // See Also: modp.sw -&gtachan.trig //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, &quotscloc&quot,c1.achan, &quottrig&quot, NULL ); //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, recallBtn, &quotsym&quot, c0.achan, &quottrig&quot, NULL ); //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, recallBtn, &quotsym&quot, c1.achan, &quottrig&quot, NULL ); // // cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "even", pre, "in", NULL ); // active meas output to printers cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "even", modp, "even", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "dyn", prd, "in", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "dyn", modp, "dyn", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "tempo", prt, "in", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "tempo", modp, "tempo",NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "cost", prc, "in", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "cost", modp, "cost", NULL ); // //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, &quotvloc&quot, pre, &quotin&quot, NULL ); // live meas's to active meas unit //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, &quotvval&quot, prd, &quotin&quot, NULL ); // //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, &quotvcost&quot,prt, &quotin&quot, NULL ); // //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, &quotvtyp&quot, prc, &quotin&quot, NULL ); // // // // wave-table to time-line cursor cmDspSysInstallCb( h, wt0, "fidx",tlp, "curs", NULL); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, prePath, "out", tlp, "path", NULL ); //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, notesOffb, &quotsym&quot, pic, &quotalloff&quot, NULL ); // start connections cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", tlRt, "s-in", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlRt, "s-out-0",tlp, "reset", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", scp, "send", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", mfpRt,"s-in", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfpRt,"s-out-0",mfp, "sel", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", pts, "on", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "on", wt0, "cmd", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "on", wt1, "cmd", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "on", modp, "cmd", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", amCmd, "rewind", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "out", c0.achan,"reset", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "out", c1.achan,"reset", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mod_sel,"out", modp, "sel", NULL ); // stop connections cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", pts, "off", NULL ); // Prevents WT start on new audio file from TL. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, offb, "sym", mfp, "sel", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, offb, "sym", pts, "off", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "off", wt0, "cmd", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "off", wt1, "cmd", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "off", modp,"cmd", NULL ); // time-line to MIDI file player selection cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mbsi", mfp, "bsi", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mesi", mfp, "esi", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", mfp, "fn", NULL ); // time-line to Audio file player selection cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "absi", wt0, "beg", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "aesi", wt0, "end", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "afn", wt0, "fn", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "absi", wt1, "beg", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "aesi", wt1, "end", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "afn", wt1, "fn", NULL ); // score to score follower - to set initial search location cmDspSysInstallCb(h, scp, "sel", sfp, "index", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, scp, "sel", modp,"reset", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, scp, "sel", prp, "in", NULL ); cmDspInst_t* msrc = mfp; // switch MIDI source (mfp or mip) // MIDI file player to score follower and sampler cmDspSysInstallCb(h, msrc, "smpidx", sfp, "smpidx",NULL ); //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, &quotid&quot, sfp, &quotmuid&quot, NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, msrc, "d1", sfp, "d1", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, msrc, "d1", nmp, "d1", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, msrc, "d0", sfp, "d0", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, msrc, "d0", nmp, "d0", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, msrc, "status", sfp, "status",NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, msrc, "status", nmp, "status",NULL ); // score follower to recd_play,modulator and printers cmDspSysInstallCb(h, sfp, "out", modp, "index", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, sfp, "recent", sfp_loc, "in", NULL ); // report 'recent' but only act on 'max' loc index cmDspSysInstallCb( h, eloc , "val", its, "off-int", NULL); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "out", its, "in", NULL); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, its, "out", offb, "in", NULL); cmDspSysInstallCb( h, its, "out", prp, "in", NULL); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, modp, "dgain0", ogain0, "val", NULL ); // mod -&gt ogain cmDspSysInstallCb(h, modp, "dgain1", ogain1, "val", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, modp, "wgain0", ogain2, "val", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, modp, "wgain1", ogain3, "val", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogain0, "val", gmult0, "in-0", NULL ); // ogain scalars -&gt gmult 0 cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogain1, "val", gmult1, "in-0", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogain2, "val", gmult2, "in-0", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogain3, "val", gmult3, "in-0", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogainD, "val", gmult0, "in-1", NULL ); // master scalars -&gt gmult 1 cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogainD, "val", gmult1, "in-1", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogainW, "val", gmult2, "in-1", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogainW, "val", gmult3, "in-1", NULL ); cmDspSysInstallCb(h, gmult0, "out", lmix, "gain-0", NULL ); // gmult -&gt wdmix - l dry cmDspSysInstallCb(h, gmult1, "out", rmix, "gain-0", NULL ); // r dry cmDspSysInstallCb(h, gmult2, "out", lmix, "gain-1", NULL ); // l wet cmDspSysInstallCb(h, gmult3, "out", rmix, "gain-1", NULL ); // r wet //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, gmult2, &quotout&quot, prp, &quotin&quot, NULL ); return rc; }