Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

libcm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libcm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmAudioFileRd : Audio file reader based on cmAudioFile
typedef struct
  cmObj             obj;
  cmAudioFileH_t    h;         // audio file handle
  cmAudioFileInfo_t info;      // audio file info record
  unsigned          chIdx;
  cmSample_t*       outV;      // buffer of audio from last read
  unsigned          outN;      // length of outV in samples
  cmChar_t*         fn;        // name of audio file
  unsigned          lastReadFrmCnt;  // count of samples actually read on last read
  bool              eofFl;
  unsigned          begFrmIdx;
  unsigned          endFrmIdx;
  unsigned          curFrmIdx;  // frame index of the next frame to read
  cmMtxFile*        mfp;
} cmAudioFileRd;

// set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object
// fn and chIdx are optional - set fn to NULL to allocate the reader without opening a file.
// If fn is valid then chIdx must also be valid.
// Set 'endSmpIdx' to cmInvalidIdx to return the entire signal in cmAudioFileRdRead().
// Set 'endSmpIdx' to 0 to return all samples between 0 and the end of the file.
cmAudioFileRd*     cmAudioFileRdAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const char* fn, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned endSmpIdx );
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileRdFree(  cmAudioFileRd** p );
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileRdOpen(  cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned procSmpCnt,  const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned endSmpIdx ); 
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileRdClose( cmAudioFileRd* p );  

// Returns cmEofRC if the end of file is encountered.
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileRdRead(  cmAudioFileRd* p );
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileRdSeek(  cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned frmIdx );

// Find the overall minimum, maximum, and mean sample values without changing the current file location.
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileRdMinMaxMean( cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned chIdx, cmSample_t* minPtr, cmSample_t* maxPtr, cmSample_t* meanPtr );
cmShiftBuf : Audio shift buffer processor

// The buffer is intended to synchronize sample block rates between processes and to provide an overlapped // input buffer.
typedef struct cmShiftBuf_str { cmObj obj; unsigned bufSmpCnt; // wndSmpCnt + hopSmpCnt cmSample_t* bufV; // bufV[bufSmpCnt] all other pointers use this memory cmSample_t* outV; // output window outV[ outN ] unsigned outN; // outN == wndSmpCnt unsigned procSmpCnt; // input sample count unsigned wndSmpCnt; // output sample count unsigned hopSmpCnt; // count of samples to shift the buffer by on each call to cmShiftExec() cmSample_t* inPtr; // ptr to location in outV[] to recv next sample bool fl; // reflects the last value returned by cmShiftBufExec(). } cmShiftBuf; // Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object. hopSmpCnt must be &lt= wndSmpCnt. cmShiftBuf* cmShiftBufAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmShiftBuf* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt ); cmRC_t cmShiftBufFree( cmShiftBuf** p ); cmRC_t cmShiftBufInit( cmShiftBuf* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt ); cmRC_t cmShiftBufFinal( cmShiftBuf* p ); // Returns true if a new hop is ready to be read otherwise returns false. // In general cmShiftBufExec() should be called in a loop until it returns false. // Note that 'sp' and 'sn' are ignored except for the first call after the function returns false. // This means that when called in a loop 'sp' and 'sn' are only used on the first time through the loop. // When procSmpCnt is less than hopSmpCnt the loop will only execute when at least wndSmpCnt // new samples have been buffered. // When procSmpCnt is greater than hopSmpCnt the loop will execute multiple times until less // than wndSmpCnt new samples are available. // Note that 'sn' must always be less than or equal to procSmpCnt. // // Example: // while( fill(sp,sn) ) // fill sp[] with sn samples // { // // shift by hopSmpCnt samples on all passes - insert new samples on first pass // while( cmShiftBufExec(p,sp,sn) ) // proc(p-&gtoutV,p-&gtoutN); // process p-&gtoutV[wndSmpCnt] // } bool cmShiftBufExec( cmShiftBuf* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn ); void cmShiftBufTest( cmCtx* c );
cmWindowFunc : Fourier Transform window function generator.

  kInvalidWndId   = 0x000,
  kHannWndId      = 0x001,
  kHammingWndId   = 0x002,
  kTriangleWndId  = 0x004,
  kKaiserWndId    = 0x008,
  kHannMatlabWndId= 0x010,
  kUnityWndId     = 0x020,
  kWndIdMask       = 0x0ff,      
  kNormByLengthWndFl = 0x100,   // mult by 1/wndSmpCnt 
  kNormBySumWndFl    = 0x200,   // mult by wndSmpCnt/sum(wndV)
  kSlRejIsBetaWndFl  = 0x400    // kaiserSideLobeRejectDb param. is actually kaiser beta arg. 

typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  unsigned    wndId;
  unsigned    flags;
  cmSample_t* wndV;
  cmSample_t* outV;
  unsigned    outN;        // same as wndSmpCnt
  double      kslRejectDb;
  cmMtxFile*  mfp;
} cmWndFunc;

// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object
// if wndId is set to a valid value this function will internally call cmWndFuncInit()
cmWndFunc*  cmWndFuncAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmWndFunc* p, unsigned wndId, unsigned wndSmpCnt, double kaierSideLobeRejectDb );
cmRC_t      cmWndFuncFree(  cmWndFunc** pp );
cmRC_t      cmWndFuncInit(  cmWndFunc* p, unsigned wndId, unsigned wndSmpCnt, double kaiserSideLobeRejectDb );
cmRC_t      cmWndFuncFinal( cmWndFunc* p );
cmRC_t      cmWndFuncExec(  cmWndFunc* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );

void cmWndFuncTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );

cmSpecDelay : Spectral frame delay. A circular buffer for spectral (or other fixed length) vectors.

typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  cmSample_t* bufPtr;
  unsigned    maxDelayCnt;
  int         inIdx;
  unsigned    outN;   // outN == binCnt
} cmSpecDelay;

// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
// Allocate a spectral frame delay capable of delaying for 'maxDelayCnt' hops and 
// where each vector contains 'binCnt' elements.
cmSpecDelay*      cmSpecDelayAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSpecDelay* p, unsigned maxDelayCnt, unsigned binCnt );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDelayFree(  cmSpecDelay** p );

cmRC_t            cmSpecDelayInit( cmSpecDelay* p, unsigned maxDelayCnt, unsigned binCnt );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDelayFinal(cmSpecDelay* p );

// Give an input vector to the delay. 'sn' must &lt= binCnt
cmRC_t            cmSpecDelayExec(  cmSpecDelay* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );

// Get a pointer to a delayed vector. 'delayCnt' indicates the length of the delay in hops.
// (e.g. 1 is the previous hop, 2 is two hops previous, ... )
const cmSample_t* cmSpecDelayOutPtr(cmSpecDelay* p, unsigned delayCnt );

cmFilter : General purpose, LTI, Octave compatible, filter.
typedef struct cmFilter_str
  cmObj     obj;
  cmReal_t* a;     // feedback coeff's
  int       an;    // count of fb coeff's
  cmReal_t* b;     // feedforward coeff's
  int       bn;    // count of ff coeffs'
  cmReal_t* d;     // delay 
  int       di;    
  int       cn;    // length of delay
  cmReal_t  b0;    // 1st feedforward coeff 
  cmSample_t*  outSmpV;   // signal output vector
  cmReal_t*    outRealV; 
  unsigned     outN;  // length of outV (procSmpCnt)
} cmFilter;

// d[dn] is the initial value of the delay line where dn = max(an,bn)-1.  
// Set d to NULL to intialize the delays to 0.
cmFilter* cmFilterAlloc(      cmCtx* c, cmFilter* p, const cmReal_t* b, unsigned bn, const cmReal_t* a, unsigned an, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
cmFilter* cmFilterAllocEllip( cmCtx* c, cmFilter* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t passHz, cmReal_t stopHz, cmReal_t passDb, cmReal_t stopDb, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
cmRC_t    cmFilterFree(      cmFilter** pp );
cmRC_t    cmFilterInit(      cmFilter* p, const cmReal_t* b, unsigned bn, const cmReal_t* a, unsigned an, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
cmRC_t    cmFilterInitEllip( cmFilter* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t passHz, cmReal_t stopHz, cmReal_t passDb, cmReal_t stopDb, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
cmRC_t    cmFilterFinal(     cmFilter* p );

// If y==NULL or yn==0 then the output is sent to p-&gtoutV[p-&gtoutN].
// This function can safely filter a signal in plcme therefore it is allowable for x[] and y[] to refer to the same memory.
// If x[] overlaps y[] then y must be &lt= x.
cmRC_t    cmFilterExecS(  cmFilter* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn, cmSample_t* y, unsigned yn );
cmRC_t    cmFilterExecR(  cmFilter* p, const cmReal_t* x,   unsigned xn, cmReal_t*   y, unsigned yn );

cmRC_t    cmFilterSignal( cmCtx* c, const cmReal_t b[], unsigned bn, const cmReal_t a[], unsigned an, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn, cmSample_t* y, unsigned yn );

// Perform forward-reverse filtering.
cmRC_t    cmFilterFilterS(cmCtx* c, const cmReal_t bb[], unsigned bn, const cmReal_t aa[], unsigned an, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn, cmSample_t* y, unsigned yn );
cmRC_t    cmFilterFilterR(cmCtx* c, const cmReal_t bb[], unsigned bn, const cmReal_t aa[], unsigned an, const cmReal_t* x, unsigned xn, cmReal_t* y, unsigned yn );

void      cmFilterTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
void      cmFilterFilterTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );

cmComplexDetect : Complex domain onset detection function.
typedef struct
  cmObj        obj;
  cmSpecDelay  phsDelay;
  cmSpecDelay  magDelay;
  unsigned     binCnt;
  cmSample_t   out;
  //cmMtxFile*   mfp;
  //unsigned     cdfSpRegId;  
} cmComplexDetect;

// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
cmComplexDetect* cmComplexDetectAlloc(cmCtx* c, cmComplexDetect* p, unsigned binCnt );
cmRC_t           cmComplexDetectFree( cmComplexDetect** pp);
cmRC_t           cmComplexDetectInit( cmComplexDetect* p, unsigned binCnt );
cmRC_t           cmComplexDetectFinal(cmComplexDetect* p);
cmRC_t           cmComplexDetectExec( cmComplexDetect* p, const cmSample_t* magV, const cmSample_t* phsV, unsigned binCnt  );

cmComplexOnset : Complex onset detection function
typedef struct
  cmObj        obj;
  double       threshold;
  unsigned     medSmpCnt;
  unsigned     frmCnt;          // expected number of frames to store
  unsigned     dfi;
  cmSample_t*  df;
  cmSample_t*  fdf;
  cmSample_t   onrate;
  //cmMtxFile*   mfp;
} cmComplexOnset;

cmComplexOnset* cmComplexOnsetAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmComplexOnset* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned medFiltWndSmpCnt, double threshold, unsigned frameCnt );
cmRC_t          cmComplexOnsetFree(  cmComplexOnset** pp);
cmRC_t          cmComplexOnsetInit(  cmComplexOnset* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned medFiltWndSmpCnt, double threshold, unsigned frameCnt );
cmRC_t          cmComplexOnsetFinal( cmComplexOnset* p);
cmRC_t          cmComplexOnsetExec(  cmComplexOnset* p, cmSample_t cdf );
cmRC_t          cmComplexOnsetCalc(  cmComplexOnset* p );

cmMfcc : Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) measurement function.
typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  unsigned    melBandCnt;
  unsigned    dctCoeffCnt;
  unsigned    binCnt;
  cmReal_t*   melM;
  cmReal_t*   dctM;
  cmReal_t*   outV;
  unsigned    outN;         // outN == dctCoeffCnt
  cmMtxFile*  mfp;
  unsigned    mfccSpRegId;  // cmStatsProc regId
} cmMfcc;

cmMfcc* cmMfccAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmMfcc* p, double srate, unsigned melBandCnt, unsigned dctCoeffCnt, unsigned binCnt );
cmRC_t  cmMfccFree(  cmMfcc** pp );
cmRC_t  cmMfccInit(  cmMfcc* p, double srate, unsigned melBandCnt, unsigned dctCoeffCnt, unsigned binCnt );
cmRC_t  cmMfccFinal( cmMfcc* p );
cmRC_t  cmMfccExecPower(      cmMfcc* p, const cmReal_t* magPowV, unsigned binCnt );
cmRC_t  cmMfccExecAmplitude(  cmMfcc* p, const cmReal_t* magAmpV, unsigned binCnt );
void    cmMfccTest();

cmSones : Sones measurement function.
typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  cmReal_t*   ttmV;             // Terhardt outer ear filter
  cmReal_t*   sfM;              // Shroeder spreading function
  unsigned*   barkIdxV;         // Bark to bin map
  unsigned*   barkCntV;         
  cmReal_t*   outV;             // specific loudness in sones 
  unsigned    outN;             // outN == barkBandCnt;
  cmReal_t    overallLoudness;  // overall loudness in sones
  unsigned    binCnt;           // expected length of incoming power spectrum
  unsigned    barkBandCnt;      // count of bark bands
  unsigned    flags;            
  cmMtxFile*  mfp;
  unsigned    sonesSpRegId;
  unsigned    loudSpRegId;
} cmSones;

enum { kDontUseEqlLoudSonesFl=0x00, kUseEqlLoudSonesFl=0x01 };

cmSones* cmSonesAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSones*  p, double srate, unsigned barkBandCnt, unsigned binCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t   cmSonesFree(  cmSones** pp );
cmRC_t   cmSonesInit(  cmSones*  p, double srate, unsigned barkBandCnt, unsigned binCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t   cmSonesFinal( cmSones*  p );
cmRC_t   cmSonesExec(  cmSones*  p, const cmReal_t* magPowV, unsigned binCnt ); 

void     cmSonesTest();

cmAudioOffsetScale : Audio signal pre-processing normalizer.
typedef struct
  cmObj             obj;
  unsigned          cBufCnt;
  unsigned          cBufCurCnt;
  unsigned          cBufIdx;
  double            cBufSum;
  unsigned          cCntSum;
  cmReal_t*         cBufPtr;
  unsigned*         cCntPtr;
  cmSample_t        offset;
  double            dBref;
  cmSample_t*       outV;
  unsigned          outN;    // (outN == procSmpCnt)
  unsigned          flags;
  cmMtxFile*        mfp;
} cmAudioOffsetScale;

// This processor adds an offset to an audio signal and scales into dB (SPL) using one of two techniques
// 1) Measures the effective sound pressure (via RMS) and then scales the signal to the reference dB (SPL) 
//    In this case dBref is commonly set to 70. See Timony, 2004, Implementing Loudness Models in Matlab.
// 2) treats the dBref as the maximum dB (SPL) and scales the signal by this amount without regard
//    measured signal level.  In this case dBref is commonly set to 96 (max. dB (SPL) value for 16 bits)
//    and rmsWndSecs is ignored.
// Note that setting rmsWndSecs to zero has the effect of using procSmpCnt as the window length.

enum { kNoAudioScaleFl=0x01, kRmsAudioScaleFl=0x02, kFixedAudioScaleFl=0x04 };

cmAudioOffsetScale* cmAudioOffsetScaleAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAudioOffsetScale* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, cmSample_t offset, double rmsWndSecs, double dBref, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t        cmAudioOffsetScaleFree(  cmAudioOffsetScale** pp );
cmRC_t        cmAudioOffsetScaleInit(  cmAudioOffsetScale* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, cmSample_t offset, double rmsWndSecs, double dBref, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t        cmAudioOffsetScaleFinal( cmAudioOffsetScale* p );
cmRC_t        cmAudioOffsetScaleExec(  cmAudioOffsetScale* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );

cmSpecMeas : Measure a signals RMS, High-Frequency Content, Spectral Centroid, and Spectral Spread.
typedef struct
  cmObj      obj;
  cmReal_t*  rmsV;
  cmReal_t*  hfcV;
  cmReal_t*  scnV;
  cmReal_t rmsSum;
  cmReal_t hfcSum;
  cmReal_t scnSum;
  cmReal_t ssSum;
  cmReal_t rms;     // RMS output
  cmReal_t hfc;     // high-frequency content output
  cmReal_t sc;      // spectral centroid output
  cmReal_t ss;      // spectral spread output
  unsigned   binCnt;     
  unsigned   flags;
  unsigned   wndFrmCnt;
  unsigned   frameIdx;
  unsigned   frameCnt;
  double     binHz;
  cmMtxFile* mfp;
  unsigned rmsSpRegId;
  unsigned hfcSpRegId;
  unsigned scSpRegId;
  unsigned ssSpRegId;
} cmSpecMeas;

// Set wndFrmCnt to the number of spectral frames to take the measurement over.
// Setting wndFrmCnt to 1 has the effect of calculating the value on the current frame only.
// Set flags = kWholeSigSpecMeasFl to ignore wndFrmCnt and calculate the result on the entire signal.
// In effect this treats the entire signal as the length of the measurement window.
enum { kWholeSigSpecMeasFl=0x00, kUseWndSpecMeasFl=0x01 };

cmSpecMeas* cmSpecMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSpecMeas* p, double srate, unsigned binCnt, unsigned wndFrmCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t      cmSpecMeasFree(  cmSpecMeas** pp );
cmRC_t      cmSpecMeasInit(  cmSpecMeas* p, double srate, unsigned binCnt, unsigned wndFrmCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t      cmSpecMeasFinal( cmSpecMeas* p );
cmRC_t      cmSpecMeasExec(  cmSpecMeas* p, const cmReal_t* magPowV, unsigned binCnt ); 

cmSigMeas : Measure a time domain signals zero crossing rate.
typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  cmShiftBuf* sbp;         // shift buffer used internally if procSmpCnt &lt measSmpCnt
  cmShiftBuf  shiftBuf;
  double      srate;       
  cmReal_t    zcr;         // zero crossing rate per second
  cmSample_t  zcrDelay;    // used internally by zero crossing count algorithm
  unsigned    measSmpCnt;  // length of measurement window in samples
  unsigned    procSmpCnt;  // expected number of samples per call to exec
  unsigned    zcrSpRegId;
  cmMtxFile*  mfp;
} cmSigMeas;

// procSmpCnt must be &lt= measSmpCnt

cmSigMeas* cmSigMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSigMeas* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned measSmpCnt );
cmRC_t     cmSigMeasFree(  cmSigMeas** pp );
cmRC_t     cmSigMeasInit(  cmSigMeas* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned measSmpCnt );
cmRC_t     cmSigMeasFinal( cmSigMeas* p );
cmRC_t     cmSigMeasExec(  cmSigMeas* p, const cmSample_t* sigV, unsigned smpCnt );

cmSRC : Sample rate converter
typedef struct
  cmObj        obj;
  cmFilter     filt;
  cmSample_t*  outV;
  unsigned     outN;
  unsigned     upFact;
  unsigned     dnFact;
  unsigned     upi;
  unsigned     dni;
  cmMtxFile*   mfp;
} cmSRC;

// The srate paramater is the sample rate of the source signal provided via cmSRCExec()
cmSRC* cmSRCAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSRC* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned upFact, unsigned dnFact );
cmRC_t cmSRCFree(  cmSRC** pp );
cmRC_t cmSRCInit(  cmSRC* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned upFact, unsigned dnFact );
cmRC_t cmSRCFinal( cmSRC* p );
cmRC_t cmSRCExec(  cmSRC* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );

void   cmSRCTest();

cmConstQ : Contant-Q transform.
typedef struct
  cmObj           obj;
  cmComplexR_t*   fiV;
  cmComplexR_t*   foV;
  cmComplexR_t*   skM;            // skM[ wndSmpCnt, constQBinCnt ]
  unsigned*       skBegV;         // skBegV[ constQBinCnt ] indexes used to decrease the size of the mtx mult in cmConstQExex()
  unsigned*       skEndV;         // skEndV[ constQBinCnt ]
  unsigned        wndSmpCnt;      // window length of the complex FFT required to feed this transform
  unsigned        constQBinCnt;   // count of bins in the const Q output 
  unsigned        binsPerOctave;  
  cmComplexR_t*   outV;           // outV[ constQBinCnt ]
  cmReal_t*       magV;           // outV[ constQBinCnt ]
  cmMtxFile*      mfp;
} cmConstQ;

cmConstQ* cmConstQAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmConstQ* p, double srate, unsigned minMidiPitch, unsigned maxMidiPitch, unsigned binsPerOctave, double thresh );
cmRC_t    cmConstQFree(  cmConstQ** pp );
cmRC_t    cmConstQInit(  cmConstQ* p, double srate, unsigned minMidiPitch, unsigned maxMidiPitch, unsigned binsPerOctave, double thresh );
cmRC_t    cmConstQFinal( cmConstQ* p );
cmRC_t    cmConstQExec(  cmConstQ* p, const cmComplexR_t* ftV, unsigned binCnt );

cmTuneHpcp : Generate a tuned chromagram.
typedef struct
  cmObj     obj;
  cmReal_t*  hpcpM;  // hpcpM[ frameCnt , binsPerOctave ] - stored hpcp
  cmReal_t*  fhpcpM; // fhpcpM[ binsPerOctave, frameCnt ] - filtered hpcp (note transposed relative to hpcpA)
  unsigned*  histV;  // histM[ binsPerOctave/12 ]
  cmReal_t*  outM;   // outM[ 12, frameCnt ];
  unsigned  histN;          // binsPerOctave/12 
  unsigned  binsPerOctave;  // const-q bins representing 1 octave
  unsigned  constQBinCnt;   // total count of const-q bins
  unsigned  frameCnt;       // expected count of hpcp vectors to store.
  unsigned  frameIdx;       // next column in hpcpM[] to receive input
  unsigned  cqMinMidiPitch;
  unsigned  medFiltOrder;
  cmReal_t* meanV;   // meanV[12]
  cmReal_t* varV;    // varV[12]
  cmMtxFile* mf0p;    // debug files
  cmMtxFile* mf1p;
  cmMtxFile* mf2p;
} cmHpcp;

cmHpcp*        cmTunedHpcpAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmHpcp* p, unsigned binsPerOctave, unsigned constQBinCnt, unsigned cqMinMidiPitch, unsigned frameCnt, unsigned medFiltOrder );
cmRC_t         cmTunedHpcpFree(  cmHpcp** pp );
cmRC_t         cmTunedHpcpInit(  cmHpcp* p, unsigned binsPerOctave, unsigned constQBinCnt, unsigned cqMinMidiPitch, unsigned frameCnt, unsigned medFiltOrder );
cmRC_t         cmTunedHpcpFinal( cmHpcp* p );
cmRC_t         cmTunedHpcpExec(  cmHpcp* p, const cmComplexR_t* constQBinPtr, unsigned constQBinCnt );
cmRC_t         cmTunedHpcpTuneAndFilter( cmHpcp* p);

cmBeatHist : Generate a beat candidate histogram.

struct cmFftRR_str;
struct cmIFftRR_str;

typedef struct
  cmObj     obj;
  struct cmFftRR_str*  fft;
  struct cmIFftRR_str* ifft;
  unsigned frmCnt;         // 512 length of df 
  unsigned maxLagCnt;      // 128 length of longest CMF lag
  unsigned histBinCnt;     // 15 count of histogram elements and rows in H[] 
  unsigned hColCnt;        // 128 count of columns in H[]
  cmReal_t* m;             // m[ frmCnt x maxLagCnt ]
  cmReal_t* H;             // histogram transformation mtx
  cmReal_t* df;            // df[ frmCnt ] onset detection function 
  cmReal_t* fdf;           // fdf[ frmCnt ] filtered onset detection function
  unsigned  dfi;           // index next df[] location to receive an incoming value
  cmReal_t* histV;         // histV[ histBinCnt ] histogram output
  cmMtxFile* mfp;
} cmBeatHist;

cmBeatHist* cmBeatHistAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmBeatHist* p, unsigned frmCnt );
cmRC_t      cmBeatHistFree(  cmBeatHist** pp );
cmRC_t      cmBeatHistInit(  cmBeatHist* p, unsigned frmCnt );
cmRC_t      cmBeatHistFinal( cmBeatHist* p );
cmRC_t      cmBeatHistExec(  cmBeatHist* p, cmSample_t df );
cmRC_t      cmBeatHistCalc(  cmBeatHist* p );

cmGmm : Gaussian Mixture Model containing N Gaussian PDF's each of dimension D.

typedef struct
  cmObj     obj;
  unsigned  K;       // count of components
  unsigned  D;       // dimensionality of each component 
  cmReal_t* gV;      // gM[ K ] mixture gain vector
  cmReal_t* uM;      // uM[ D x K ] component mean column vectors
  cmReal_t* sMM;     // sMM[D x D x K ] component covariance matrices - each column is a DxD matrix
  cmReal_t* isMM;    // isMM[D x D x K] inverted covar matrices
  cmReal_t* uMM;     // uMM[ D x D x K] upper triangle factor of chol(sMM)
  cmReal_t* logDetV; // detV[ K ] determinent of covar matrices
  cmReal_t* t;       // t[ D x D ]scratch matrix used for training
  unsigned  uflags;  // user defined flags
} cmGmm_t;

enum { cmMdgNoFlags=0x0, cmGmmDiagFl=0x01, cmGmmSkipKmeansFl=0x02 };

cmGmm_t* cmGmmAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmGmm_t* p, unsigned N, unsigned D, const cmReal_t* gV, const cmReal_t* uM, const cmReal_t* sMM, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t   cmGmmFree(  cmGmm_t** pp );
cmRC_t   cmGmmInit(  cmGmm_t* p, unsigned N, unsigned D, const cmReal_t* gV, const cmReal_t* uM, const cmReal_t* sMM, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t   cmGmmFinal( cmGmm_t* p );

// Estimate the parameters of the GMM using the training data in xM[p-&gtD,xN].
// *iterCntPtr on input is the number of iterations with no change in class assignment to signal convergence.
// *iterCntPtr on output is the total number of interations required to converge.
cmRC_t   cmGmmTrain( cmGmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* xM, unsigned xN, unsigned* iterCntPtr );

// Return a pointer to the feature vector at frmIdx containing D elements.
typedef const cmReal_t* (*cmGmmReadFunc_t)( void* userPtr, unsigned colIdx );
// Same as cmGmmTrain() but uses a function to access the feature vector.
// The optional matrix uM[D,K] contains the initial mean values or NULL if not used.
// The optional flag array roFlV[K] is used to indicate read-only components and is only used
// when the uM[] arg. is non-NULL. Set roFlV[i] to true to indicate that the mean value supplied by
// the uM[] arg. should not be alterned by the training process.
// If 'maxIterCnt' is positive then it is the maximum number of iterations the training process will make
// otherwise it is ignored.
cmRC_t   cmGmmTrain2( cmGmm_t* p, cmGmmReadFunc_t readFunc, void* userFuncPtr, unsigned xN, unsigned* iterCntPtr, const cmReal_t* uM, const bool* roFlV, int maxIterCnt );

// Generate data yN data points from the GMM and store the result in yM[p-&gtD,yN].
cmRC_t   cmGmmGenerate( cmGmm_t* p, cmReal_t* yM, unsigned yN );

// Evaluate the probability of each column of xM[p-&gtD,xN] and return the result in y[xN].
// If yM[xN,K] is non-NULL then the individual component prob. values are returned
cmRC_t   cmGmmEval(  cmGmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* xM, unsigned xN, cmReal_t* yV, cmReal_t* yM); 

// Same as cmGmmEval() but uses a a function to access each data vector
cmRC_t   cmGmmEval2(  cmGmm_t* p, cmGmmReadFunc_t readFunc, void* userFuncPtr, unsigned xN, cmReal_t* yV, cmReal_t* yM);

// Evaluate each component for a single data point
// xV[D] - observed data point 
// yV[K] - output contains the evaluation for each component
cmRC_t   cmGmmEval3(  cmGmm_t* p,  const cmReal_t* xV,  cmReal_t* yV );

void     cmGmmPrint( cmGmm_t* p, bool detailsFl );

void     cmGmmTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );

cmChmm : Continuous Hidden Markov Model

typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  unsigned    N;         // count of states
  unsigned    K;         // count of components per mixture
  unsigned    D;         // dimensionality of the observation data
  cmReal_t*   iV;        // iV[ N ] initial state probability mtx
  cmReal_t*   aM;        // aM[ N x N] transition probability mtx
  cmGmm_t**   bV;        // bV[ N ] observation probability mtx (array of pointers to GMM's) 
  cmReal_t*   bM;        // bM[ N,T] state-observation probability matrix 
  cmMtxFile* mfp;
} cmChmm_t;

// Continuous HMM consisting of stateN states where the observations 
// associated with each state are generated by a Gaussian mixture PDF.
// stateN - count of states
// mixN   - count of components in the mixtures
// dimN   - dimensionality of the observation data
cmChmm_t* cmChmmAlloc(    cmCtx* c, cmChmm_t* p, unsigned stateN, unsigned mixN, unsigned dimN, const cmReal_t* iV, const cmReal_t* aM );
cmRC_t    cmChmmFree(     cmChmm_t** pp );
cmRC_t    cmChmmInit(     cmChmm_t* p, unsigned stateN, unsigned mixN, unsigned dimN, const cmReal_t* iV, const cmReal_t* aM );
cmRC_t    cmChmmFinal(    cmChmm_t* p );

// Set the iV,aM and bV parameters to well-formed random values. 
cmRC_t    cmChmmRandomize( cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T );

// Train the HMM using segmental k-means to initialize the model parameters.
// threshProb is the min change in fit between the data and the model  above which the procedure will continue to iterate.
// maxIterCnt is the maximum number of iterations the algorithm will make without regard for threshProb. 
// iterCnt    is the value of iterCnt used in the call cmChmmTrain() on each iteration
cmRC_t    cmChmmSegKMeans( cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, cmReal_t threshProb, unsigned maxIterCnt, unsigned iterCnt );

cmRC_t    cmChmmSetGmm(   cmChmm_t* p, unsigned i, const cmReal_t* wV, const cmReal_t* uM, const cmReal_t* sMM, unsigned flags );

// oM[D,T]     - observation matrix
// alphaM[N,T] - prob of being in each state and observtin oM(:,t)
// logPrV[T]   - (optional) record the log prob of the data given the model at each time step 
// Returns sum(logPrV[T])
cmReal_t  cmChmmForward( const cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, cmReal_t* alphaM, cmReal_t* logPrV );

void      cmChmmBackward( const cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, cmReal_t* betaM );

// bM[N,T] the state-observation probability table is optional
cmReal_t  cmChmmCompare( const cmChmm_t* p0, const cmChmm_t* p1, unsigned T );

// Generate a series of observations.
// oM[ p-&gtD , T ] - output matrix
// sV[ T ]        - optional vector to record the state used to generate the ith observation.
cmRC_t    cmChmmGenerate( const cmChmm_t* p, cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, unsigned* sV );

// Infer the HMM parameters (p-&gtiV,p-&gtaM,p-&gtbV) from the observations oM[D,T]
enum { kNoTrainMixCoeffChmmFl=0x01, kNoTrainMeanChmmFl=0x02, kNoTrainCovarChmmFl=0x04 };
cmRC_t    cmChmmTrain(    cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, unsigned iterCnt, cmReal_t thresh, unsigned flags );

// Determine the ML state sequence yV[T] given the observations oM[D,T].
cmRC_t    cmChmmDecode(   cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, unsigned* yV );

void      cmChmmPrint(    cmChmm_t* p );

void      cmChmmTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH  );

cmChord : HMM based chord recognizer.

typedef struct 
  cmObj     obj;
  cmChmm_t* h;        // hmm 
  unsigned  N;        // state count N=24
  unsigned  D;        // data dimension D=12 
  unsigned  S;        // tonal space dim S=6
  unsigned  T;        // frames in chromaM
  cmReal_t* iV;       // iV[N]
  cmReal_t* aM;       // aM[N,N]
  cmReal_t* uM;       // uM[D,N]
  cmReal_t* sMM;      // sMM[D*D,N] 
  cmReal_t* phiM;     // phiM[S,T]
  cmReal_t* chromaM;  // chromaM[D,T]
  cmReal_t* tsM;      // tsM[S,T]
  cmReal_t* cdtsV;    // cdts[1,T]
  cmReal_t  triadSeqMode;
  cmReal_t  triadSeqVar;
  cmReal_t  triadIntMean;
  cmReal_t  triadIntVar;
  cmReal_t* tsMeanV;        // tsMeanV[S];
  cmReal_t* tsVarV;         // tsVarV[S] 
  cmReal_t  cdtsMean;     
  cmReal_t  cdtsVar;      
} cmChord;

cmChord*   cmChordAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmChord*  p, const cmReal_t* chromaM, unsigned T );
cmRC_t     cmChordFree(  cmChord** p );
cmRC_t     cmChordInit(  cmChord*  p, const cmReal_t* chromaM, unsigned T );
cmRC_t     cmChordFinal( cmChord*  p );

void       cmChordTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );