Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

libcm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libcm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmArray : Expandable array designed to work easily with the cmProcObj model

// cmArray is an expandable array designed to work easily with the alloc/init/final/free model
// used by this library.  The arrays can be safely used by using the cmArrayAllocXXX macros 
// with static cmArray member fields during object allocation. cmArrayResizeXXX macros are then
// used during the object initialization phase to allocate the actual array data space.  Notice that
// when used this way there is no need to call cmArrayFinal() prior to cmArrayResizeXXX(). 

// The data memory used by cmArray's is allocated through the cmAllocData() and cmAllocDataZ()
// macros.  The resulting base memory address is therefore guaranteed to be aligned to a
// 16 byte address boundary.
typedef struct
  cmObj    obj;
  char*    ptr;
  unsigned allocByteCnt;
  unsigned eleCnt;
  unsigned eleByteCnt;
} cmArray;

  kZeroArrayFl = 0x01

cmArray* cmArrayAllocate(       cmCtx* c, cmArray* p, unsigned eleCnt, unsigned eleByteCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t   cmArrayFree(           cmArray** pp );
cmRC_t   cmArrayInit(           cmArray* p, unsigned eleCnt, unsigned eleByteCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t   cmArrayFinal(          cmArray* p );
char*    cmArrayReallocDestroy( cmArray* p, unsigned newEleCnt, unsigned newEleByteCnt, unsigned flags );
void     cmArrayReallocDestroyV(cmArray* p, int      eleByteCnt,unsigned flags,  ... );
char*    cmArrayReallocPreserve(cmArray* p, unsigned newEleCnt, unsigned newEleByteCnt, unsigned flags );

#define cmArrayAlloc(      c, p )               cmArrayAllocate(c,p,0,0,0);
#define cmArrayAllocInit(  c, p, eleCnt, type ) cmArrayAllocate(c,p,eleCnt,sizeof(type),0)
#define cmArrayAllocInitZ( c, p, eleCnt, type ) cmArrayAllocate(c,p,eleCnt,sizeof(type),kZeroArrayFl)

#define cmArrayResize(         c, p, newEleCnt, type ) (type*)cmArrayReallocDestroy(c,p,newEleCnt,sizeof(type), 0 )
#define cmArrayResizeZ(        c, p, newEleCnt, type ) (type*)cmArrayReallocDestroy(c,p,newEleCnt,sizeof(type), kZeroArrayFl )
#define cmArrayResizePreserve( c, p, newEleCnt, type ) (type*)cmArrayReallocPreserve(c,p,newEleCnt,sizeof(type), 0 )
#define cmArrayResizePreserveZ(c, p, newEleCnt, type ) (type*)cmArrayReallocPreserve(c,p,newEleCnt,sizeof(type), kZeroArrayFl )
#define cmArrayResizeV(        c, p, type, ... )              cmArrayReallocDestroyV(c,p,sizeof(type),0,##__VA_ARGS__)
#define cmArrayResizeVZ(       c, p, type, ... )              cmArrayReallocDestroyV(c,p,sizeof(type),kZeroArrayFl,##__VA_ARGS__)

#define cmArrayPtr(     type, p )            (type*)(p)->ptr
#define cmArrayCount(   p )                  (p)->eleCnt

cmAudioFileWr : Audio file writer

typedef struct
  cmObj         obj;
  cmAudioFileH_t  h;
  unsigned      chCnt;
  unsigned      curChCnt;
  unsigned      procSmpCnt;
  char*         fn;
  cmSample_t*   bufV;
} cmAudioFileWr;

cmAudioFileWr*     cmAudioFileWrAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAudioFileWr* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const char* fn, double srate, unsigned chCnt, unsigned bitsPerSample );
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileWrFree(  cmAudioFileWr** pp );
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileWrInit(  cmAudioFileWr* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const char* fn, double srate, unsigned chCnt, unsigned bitsPerSample );
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileWrFinal( cmAudioFileWr* p );
cmRC_t             cmAudioFileWrExec(  cmAudioFileWr* p, unsigned chIdx, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
void               cmAudioFileWrTest();

cmMatrixBuf : Store and recall real values in matrix form.
typedef struct
  cmObj      obj;
  unsigned    rn;
  unsigned    cn;
  cmSample_t *bufPtr;
} cmMatrixBuf;

/// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object
cmMatrixBuf*       cmMatrixBufAllocFile(cmCtx* c, cmMatrixBuf* p, const char* fn );
cmMatrixBuf*       cmMatrixBufAllocCopy(cmCtx* c, cmMatrixBuf* p, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, const cmSample_t* sp );
cmMatrixBuf*       cmMatrixBufAlloc(    cmCtx* c, cmMatrixBuf* p, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t             cmMatrixBufFree(     cmMatrixBuf**p );
cmRC_t             cmMatrixBufInitFile( cmMatrixBuf* p, const char* fn );
cmRC_t             cmMatrixBufInitCopy( cmMatrixBuf* p, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, const cmSample_t* sp );
cmRC_t             cmMatrixBufInit(     cmMatrixBuf* p, unsigned rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t             cmMatrixBufFinal(    cmMatrixBuf* p );
cmSample_t*        cmMatrixBufColPtr(   cmMatrixBuf* p, unsigned ci );
cmSample_t*        cmMatrixBufRowPtr(   cmMatrixBuf* p, unsigned ri );
void               cmMatrixBufTest();

cmSigGen : Generate periodic and noise signals.

  kSeqWfId,             // always incrementing integer sequence (srate,frq,otCnt is ignored)

typedef struct
  cmObj              obj;
  unsigned           wfId;
  unsigned           overToneCnt;
  double             fundFrqHz;
  cmSample_t*        outV;
  unsigned           outN;    // outN == procSmpCnt
  unsigned           phase;
  cmSample_t         delaySmp;
  double             srate;
} cmSigGen;

/// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object
/// The last three arguments are optional. Set wfId to kInvalidWfId to allocate the signal generator without initializint it.
cmSigGen* cmSigGenAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSigGen*  p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wfId, double fundFrqHz, unsigned overToneCnt );
cmRC_t    cmSigGenFree(  cmSigGen** p );
cmRC_t    cmSigGenInit(  cmSigGen*  p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wfId, double fundFrqHz, unsigned overToneCnt );
cmRC_t    cmSigGenFinal( cmSigGen*  p );
cmRC_t    cmSigGenExec(  cmSigGen*  p );

cmDelay : Fixed length audio delay.
typedef struct
  cmObj*      obj;
  cmSample_t* bufPtr;
  unsigned    bufSmpCnt;     // count of samples in the delay line (bufSmpCnt = procSmpCnt+delaySmpCnt)
  unsigned    procSmpCnt;    // maximum legal samples to receive in a single call to cmDelayExec()
  unsigned    delaySmpCnt;   // delay time in samples
  int         delayInIdx;    // index into bufPtr[] of next element to receive an incoming sample
  unsigned    outCnt;        // count of valid buffers in outV[] 
  cmSample_t* outV[2];       // pointers to output buffers
  unsigned    outN[2];       // length of output buffers (the sum of the length of both output buffers is always procSmpCnt)
} cmDelay;

cmDelay*          cmDelayAlloc(   cmCtx* c, cmDelay* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned delaySmpCnt );
cmRC_t            cmDelayFree(    cmDelay** p );
cmRC_t            cmDelayInit(    cmDelay* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned delaySmpCnt );
cmRC_t            cmDelayFinal(   cmDelay* p );
cmRC_t            cmDelayCopyIn(  cmDelay* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
cmRC_t            cmDelayAdvance( cmDelay* p, unsigned sn );
cmRC_t            cmDelayExec(    cmDelay* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn, bool bypassFl );
void              cmDelayTest();

cmFIR : Finite impulse response filter.
typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  double*     coeffV;       // FIR coefficient vector (impulse response)
  unsigned    coeffCnt;     // count of elements in coeffV
  double*     delayV;       // delay vector contains one less elements than the coeff array
  cmSample_t* outV;         // output signal
  unsigned    outN;         // length of the output signal (outN == ctx.procSmpCnt)
  unsigned    delayIdx;     // current next sample to receive input in the the delay line
} cmFIR;

enum { kHighPassFIRFl = 0x01 };

// Note that the relative values of passHz and stopHz do not matter
// for low-pass vs high-pass filters.  In practice passHz and
// stopHz can be swapped with no effect on the filter in either
// case.  Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
cmFIR* cmFIRAllocKaiser(cmCtx* c, cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, double passHz, double stopHz, double passDb, double stopDb, unsigned flags );

// Set wndV[sincSmpCnt] to NULL to use a unity window otherwise set it to a window
// function of length sincSmpCnt.
cmFIR* cmFIRAllocSinc(  cmCtx* c, cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned sincSmpCnt, double fcHz, unsigned flags, const double* wndV );
cmRC_t cmFIRFree(       cmFIR** pp );
cmRC_t cmFIRInitKaiser( cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, double passHz,       double stopHz, double passDb, double stopDb, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmFIRInitSinc(   cmFIR* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned sincSmpCnt, double fcHz,   unsigned flags, const double* wndV );
cmRC_t cmFIRFinal(      cmFIR* p );
cmRC_t cmFIRExec(       cmFIR* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
void   cmFIRTest0( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
void   cmFIRTest1( cmCtx* ctx );

cmFuncFilter : Apply a generic function to a windowed signal with a one sample hop size..
typedef cmSample_t (*cmFuncFiltPtr_t)( const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn, void* userPtr );

typedef struct
  cmObj           obj;
  cmFuncFiltPtr_t funcPtr;
  cmShiftBuf      shiftBuf;
  cmSample_t*     outV;
  unsigned        outN;           // outN == procSmpCnt
  unsigned        curWndSmpCnt;
  unsigned        wndSmpCnt;
  void*           userPtr;
} cmFuncFilter;

/// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
cmFuncFilter* cmFuncFilterAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmFuncFilter* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmFuncFiltPtr_t funcPtr, void* userPtr, unsigned wndSmpCnt );
cmRC_t        cmFuncFilterFree(  cmFuncFilter** pp );
cmRC_t        cmFuncFilterInit(  cmFuncFilter* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmFuncFiltPtr_t funcPtr, void* userPtr, unsigned wndSmpCnt );
cmRC_t        cmFuncFilterFinal( cmFuncFilter* p );
cmRC_t        cmFuncFilterExec(  cmFuncFilter* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
void          cmFuncFilterTest();

cmDhmm : Discrete observation HMM
typedef struct
  cmObj           obj;
  unsigned        stateN;     // count of states
  unsigned        symN;       // count of discrete observation symbols
  cmReal_t* initV;      // initial state probability vector init[ stateN ]
  cmReal_t* transM;     // transition probability matrix trans[ stateN (current), stateN (next) ]
  cmReal_t* stsM;       // state to symbol prob. matrix stsM[ stateN, symN ]
} cmDhmm;

cmDhmm* cmDhmmAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmDhmm* p, unsigned stateN, unsigned symN, cmReal_t* initV,  cmReal_t* transM, cmReal_t* stsM );
cmRC_t  cmDhmmFree(  cmDhmm** pp );
cmRC_t  cmDhmmInit(  cmDhmm* p, unsigned stateN, unsigned symN, cmReal_t* initV, cmReal_t* transM, cmReal_t* stsM );
cmRC_t  cmDhmmFinal( cmDhmm* p );
cmRC_t  cmDhmmExec(  cmDhmm* p );

cmRC_t  cmDhmmGenObsSequence( cmDhmm* p, unsigned* dbp, unsigned dn );
cmRC_t  cmDhmmForwardEval(    cmDhmm* p, const cmReal_t* statePrV, const unsigned* obsV, unsigned obsN, cmReal_t* alphaM, unsigned flags, cmReal_t* logProbPtr );
cmRC_t  cmDhmmReport(         cmDhmm* p );

void    cmDhmmTest();

cmConvolve : Convolve a signal with an impulse response.
typedef struct
  cmObj     obj;
  cmFftSR*  fft;
  cmIFftRS* ifft;
  cmComplexR_t* H; 
  unsigned    hn;
  cmSample_t* olaV;    // olaV[hn-1];
  cmSample_t* outV;   // outV[procSmpCnt]
  unsigned    outN;   // outN == procSmpCnt
} cmConvolve;

// After cmConvolveExec() outV[outN] contains the first outN samples
// which are complete and can be used by the application.
// The tail of the convolution is held in olaV[hn-1] and will
// be automatically summed with the beginning of the next convolution
// frame. 

// This code seems to have a problem when hn != procSmpCnt (or maybe hn &gt procSmpCnt ???).  
// See mas/main.c convolve() where procSmpCnt must be set to wndSmpCnt size or 
// only the first half of the window is emitted.

// h[hn] is the impulse response to convolve with
cmConvolve* cmConvolveAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmConvolve* p, const cmSample_t* h, unsigned hn, unsigned procSmpCnt );
cmRC_t      cmConvolveFree(  cmConvolve** pp );
cmRC_t      cmConvolveInit(  cmConvolve* p, const cmSample_t* h, unsigned hn, unsigned procSmpCnt );
cmRC_t      cmConvolveFinal( cmConvolve* p );
// xn must be &lt= procSmpCnt
cmRC_t      cmConvolveExec(  cmConvolve* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn );

cmRC_t      cmConvolveSignal( cmCtx* c, const cmSample_t* h, unsigned hn, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn, cmSample_t* y, unsigned yn );

cmRC_t      cmConvolveTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );

cmBfcc : Generate Bark Frequency Cepstral Coefficients from STFT frames.
typedef struct
  cmObj     obj; 
  cmReal_t* dctMtx;     // dctMtx[ binCnt, bandCnt ]
  cmReal_t* filtMask;   // filtMask[ bandCnt, bandCnt ]
  unsigned  binCnt;     // bin cnt of input magnitude spectrum
  unsigned  bandCnt;    // must be &lt= kDefaultBarkBandCnt
  cmReal_t* outV;       // outV[binCnt]
} cmBfcc;

cmBfcc* cmBfccAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmBfcc* p, unsigned bandCnt, unsigned binCnt, double binHz );
cmRC_t  cmBfccFree(  cmBfcc** pp );
cmRC_t  cmBfccInit(  cmBfcc* p, unsigned bandCnt, unsigned binCnt, double binHz );
cmRC_t  cmBfccFinal( cmBfcc* p );
cmRC_t  cmBfccExec(  cmBfcc* p, const cmReal_t* magV, unsigned binCnt );
void    cmBfccTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );

cmCepstrum : Generate Cepstral Coefficients from STFT frames.
typedef struct
  cmObj     obj; 
  //cmIFftRR  ft;
  unsigned  dct_cn;     // (binCnt-1)*2
  cmReal_t* dctM;       // dctM[ outN, dct_cn ]
  unsigned  binCnt;     // bin cnt of input magnitude spectrum
  unsigned  outN;       // count of cepstral coeff's
  cmReal_t* outV;       // outV[outN]
} cmCeps;

// outN is the number of cepstral coeff's in the output vector
cmCeps* cmCepsAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmCeps* p, unsigned binCnt, unsigned outN );
cmRC_t  cmCepsFree(  cmCeps** pp );
cmRC_t  cmCepsInit(  cmCeps* p, unsigned binCnt, unsigned outN );
cmRC_t  cmCepsFinal( cmCeps* p );
cmRC_t  cmCepsExec(  cmCeps* p, const cmReal_t* magV, const cmReal_t* phsV, unsigned binCnt );

cmOla : Generate a signal from an via overlap-add.

typedef struct { cmObj obj; cmWndFunc wf; unsigned wndSmpCnt; unsigned hopSmpCnt; unsigned procSmpCnt; cmSample_t* bufV; // bufV[wndSmpCnt] overlap add buffer cmSample_t* outV; // outV[hopSmpCnt] output vector cmSample_t* outPtr; // outPtr[procSmpCnt] output vector unsigned idx; // idx of next val in bufV[] to be moved to outV[] } cmOla; // hopSmpCnt must be &lt= wndSmpCnt. // hopSmpCnt must be an even multiple of procSmpCnt. // Call cmOlaExecR() or cmOlaExecS() at the spectral frame rate. // Call cmOlaExecOut() at the time domain audio frame rate. // Set wndTypeId to one of the cmWndFuncXXX enumerated widnow type id's. cmOla* cmOlaAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmOla* p, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned wndTypeId ); cmRC_t cmOlaFree( cmOla** pp ); cmRC_t cmOlaInit( cmOla* p, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned wndTypeId ); cmRC_t cmOlaFinal( cmOla* p ); cmRC_t cmOlaExecS( cmOla* p, const cmSample_t* xV, unsigned xN ); cmRC_t cmOlaExecR( cmOla* p, const cmReal_t* xV, unsigned xN ); const cmSample_t* cmOlaExecOut(cmOla* p );
cmPhsToFrq : Given STFT phase spectrum frames return the instantaneous frequency.

typedef struct { cmObj obj; cmReal_t* hzV; // hzV[binCnt] output vector - frequency in Hertz cmReal_t* phsV; // phsV[binCnt] cmReal_t* wV; // bin freq in rads/hop double srate; unsigned hopSmpCnt; unsigned binCnt; } cmPhsToFrq; cmPhsToFrq* cmPhsToFrqAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmPhsToFrq* p, double srate, unsigned binCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt ); cmRC_t cmPhsToFrqFree( cmPhsToFrq** p ); cmRC_t cmPhsToFrqInit( cmPhsToFrq* p, double srate, unsigned binCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt ); cmRC_t cmPhsToFrqFinal(cmPhsToFrq* p ); cmRC_t cmPhsToFrqExec( cmPhsToFrq* p, const cmReal_t* phsV );
cmPvAnl : Perform the phase-vocoder analysis stage.

  kNoCalcHzPvaFl = 0x00,
  kCalcHzPvaFl   = 0x01

typedef struct
  cmObj           obj;
  cmShiftBuf      sb;
  cmFftSR         ft;
  cmWndFunc       wf;
  cmPhsToFrq      pf;
  unsigned        flags;
  unsigned        procSmpCnt;
  double          srate;
  unsigned        wndSmpCnt;
  unsigned        hopSmpCnt;
  unsigned        binCnt;
  const cmReal_t* magV;  // amplitude NOT power
  const cmReal_t* phsV;
  const cmReal_t* hzV;
} cmPvAnl;

cmPvAnl*   cmPvAnlAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmPvAnl* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t     cmPvAnlFree( cmPvAnl** pp );
cmRC_t     cmPvAnlInit( cmPvAnl* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t     cmPvAnlFinal(cmPvAnl* p );

// Returns true when a new spectrum has been computed
bool     cmPvAnlExec( cmPvAnl* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xN );

cmPvSyn : Perform the phase-vocoder synthesis stage.

typedef struct
  cmObj           obj;
  cmIFftRS        ft;
  cmWndFunc       wf;
  cmOla           ola;
  cmReal_t*       minRphV;
  cmReal_t*       maxRphV;
  cmReal_t*       itrV;
  cmReal_t*       phs0V;
  cmReal_t*       mag0V;
  cmReal_t*       phsV;
  cmReal_t*       magV; 
  double          outSrate;
  unsigned        procSmpCnt;
  unsigned        wndSmpCnt;
  unsigned        hopSmpCnt;
  unsigned        binCnt;
} cmPvSyn;

cmPvSyn*   cmPvSynAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmPvSyn* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double outSrate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt,unsigned wndTypeId );
cmRC_t     cmPvSynFree( cmPvSyn** pp );
cmRC_t     cmPvSynInit( cmPvSyn* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double outSrate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt,unsigned wndTypeId );
cmRC_t     cmPvSynFinal(cmPvSyn* p );
cmRC_t     cmPvSynExec( cmPvSyn* p, const cmReal_t* magV, const cmReal_t* phsV );
const cmSample_t* cmPvSynExecOut(cmPvSyn* p );

cmMidiSynth : Synthesis independent MIDI synthesizer control structure.
// callback selector values
  kDspMsId             // return 0 if the voice is no longer active

// voice flags
  kActiveMsFl  = 0x01,  // set if the voice is active
  kKeyGateMsFl = 0x02,  // set if the key is down for this note

struct cmMidiSynth_str;
struct cmMidiSynthCh_str;
struct cmMidiVoice_str;

// voice update callback - use voicePtr-&gtpgm.cbDataPtr to get voice specific data
typedef int (*cmMidiSynthCb_t)( struct cmMidiVoice_str* voicePtr, unsigned sel, cmSample_t* outChArray[], unsigned outChCnt );

typedef struct
  cmMidiByte_t    pgm;           // MIDI pgm number 
  cmMidiSynthCb_t cbPtr;         // voice update callback
  void*           cbDataPtr;     // user data pointer
} cmMidiSynthPgm;

typedef struct cmMidiVoice_str
  unsigned                  index;     // voice index
  unsigned                  flags;     // see kXXXMsFl above
  cmMidiByte_t              pitch;     // note-on pitch
  cmMidiByte_t              velocity;  // note-on/off veloctiy
  cmMidiSynthPgm            pgm;       // pgm associated with this voice
  struct cmMidiSynthCh_str* chPtr;     // pointer to owning ch
  struct cmMidiVoice_str*   link;      // link to next active/avail voice in chain
} cmMidiVoice;

typedef struct cmMidiSynthCh_str
  cmMidiByte_t            midiCtl[  kMidiCtlCnt ];  // current ctl values
  short                   pitchBend;                // current pitch bend value
  cmMidiByte_t            pgm;                      // last pgm received
  cmMidiVoice*            active;                   // first active voice on this channel
  struct cmMidiSynth_str* synthPtr;                 // owning synth
} cmMidiSynthCh;

typedef struct cmMidiSynth_str
  cmObj          obj;
  cmMidiSynthCh  chArray[ kMidiChCnt ];    // midi channel array 
  unsigned       voiceCnt;                 // count of voice records
  cmMidiVoice*   avail;                    // avail voice chain
  unsigned       activeVoiceCnt;           // current count of active voices
  unsigned       voiceStealCnt;            // count of times voice stealing was required 
  cmMidiVoice*   voiceArray;               // array of voice records
  cmMidiSynthPgm pgmArray[ kMidiPgmCnt ];  // array of pgm records
  unsigned       procSmpCnt;               // samples per DSP cycle 
  unsigned       outChCnt;                 // count of output channels
  cmSample_t*    outM;                     // outM[ procSmpCnt, outChCnt ] output buffer
  cmSample_t**   outChArray;               // buffer of pointers to each output channel
  cmReal_t       srate;                    // output signal sample rate
} cmMidiSynth;

cmMidiSynth* cmMidiSynthAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmMidiSynth* p, const cmMidiSynthPgm* pgmArray, unsigned pgmCnt, unsigned voiceCnt, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned outChCnt, cmReal_t srate  );
cmRC_t       cmMidiSynthFree(  cmMidiSynth** pp );
cmRC_t       cmMidiSynthInit(  cmMidiSynth* p, const cmMidiSynthPgm* pgmArray, unsigned pgmCnt, unsigned voiceCnt, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned outChCnt, cmReal_t srate  );
cmRC_t       cmMidiSynthFinal( cmMidiSynth* p );
cmRC_t       cmMidiSynthOnMidi(cmMidiSynth* p, const cmMidiPacket_t* pktArray, unsigned pktCnt );
cmRC_t       cmMidiSynthExec(  cmMidiSynth* p, cmSample_t** outChArray, unsigned outChCnt );

cmWtVoice : Wavetable oscillator implementation for use with cmMidiSyn.

// state id's

typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;              
  cmReal_t    hz;         // current frq in Hz 
  cmReal_t    level;      // current gain (0.0 to 1.0)
  cmReal_t    phase;      // osc phase (radians)
  unsigned    durSmpCnt;  // count of samples generated so far
  unsigned    state;      // osc state - see kXXXWtId above
  cmSample_t* outV;       // signal output vector
  unsigned    outN;       // samples in outV[]
} cmWtVoice;

cmWtVoice* cmWtVoiceAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmWtVoice* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t hz );
cmRC_t     cmWtVoiceFree( cmWtVoice** pp );
cmRC_t     cmWtVoiceInit( cmWtVoice*  p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t hz );
cmRC_t     cmWtVoiceFinal( cmWtVoice* p );

// 'sel' values are cmMidiSynthExec (kXXXMsId) values
// Set outChArray[] to NULL to use internal audio buffer.
int        cmWtVoiceExec( cmWtVoice* p, struct cmMidiVoice_str* voicePtr, unsigned sel, cmSample_t* outChArray[], unsigned outChCnt );

cmWtVoiceBank : A bank of cmWtVoice oscillator for use with cmMidiSynth.

typedef struct
  cmObj obj;
  cmWtVoice**    voiceArray;    // osc state array
  unsigned       voiceCnt;
  cmSample_t*    buf;
  cmSample_t**   chArray;
  unsigned       chCnt;
  unsigned       procSmpCnt;  // count of samples in each chArray[i] sample vector
  double         srate;      // synth sample rate
} cmWtVoiceBank;

cmWtVoiceBank* cmWtVoiceBankAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmWtVoiceBank* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned voiceCnt, unsigned chCnt );
cmRC_t     cmWtVoiceBankFree( cmWtVoiceBank** pp );
cmRC_t     cmWtVoiceBankInit( cmWtVoiceBank*  p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned voiceCnt, unsigned chCnt );
cmRC_t     cmWtVoiceBankFinal( cmWtVoiceBank* p );

// 'sel' values are cmMidiSynthExec (kXXXMsId) values
// Set outChArray[] to NULL to use internal audio buffer.
// Return 0 if the voice has gone inactive otherwise return 1.
int        cmWtVoiceBankExec( cmWtVoiceBank* p, struct cmMidiVoice_str* voicePtr, unsigned sel, cmSample_t* chArray[], unsigned chCnt );

cmAudioFileBuf : Generate a signal by caching all or part of an audio file.

typedef struct
  cmObj           obj;
  cmSample_t*     bufV;    // bufV[ bufN ]
  unsigned        bufN;
  cmAudioFileInfo_t info;
  unsigned        begSmpIdx;
  unsigned        chIdx;
  char*           fn;
} cmAudioFileBuf;

// set 'durSmpCnt' to cmInvalidCnt to include all samples to the end of the file
cmAudioFileBuf* cmAudioFileBufAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmAudioFileBuf* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const char* fn, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned durSmpCnt );
cmRC_t          cmAudioFileBufFree( cmAudioFileBuf** pp );
cmRC_t          cmAudioFileBufInit( cmAudioFileBuf* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const char* fn, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned durSmpCnt );
cmRC_t          cmAudioFileBufFinal(cmAudioFileBuf* p );

// Returns the count of samples copied into outV or 0 if smpIdx &gt= p-&gtbufN. 
// If less than outN samples are available then the remaining samples are set to 0.  
unsigned        cmAudioFileBufExec( cmAudioFileBuf* p, unsigned smpIdx, cmSample_t* outV, unsigned outN, bool sumIntoOutFl );

cmMDelay : Multi-tap audio delay with feedback.
// Multi-delay.  Each of the taps of this delay operates as a independent delay with feedback.

// Delay line specification.
typedef struct
  cmReal_t    delayGain;        // delay gain
  cmReal_t    delayMs;          // delay time in milliseconds 
  cmReal_t    delaySmpFrac;     // delay time in samples (next fractional delay index = inIdx - delaySmpFrac) 
  cmSample_t* delayBuf;         // delayBuf[delayBufSmpCnt] delay line memory 
  int         delayBufSmpCnt;   // delay buffer length in samples
  int         inIdx;            // next delay input index
} cmMDelayHead;

typedef struct
  cmObj         obj;
  unsigned      delayCnt;       // count of taps
  cmMDelayHead* delayArray;     // tap specs 
  cmSample_t*   outV;           // outV[outN] output buffer
  unsigned      outN;           // procSmpCnt
  cmReal_t      fbCoeff;        // feedback coeff.
  cmReal_t      srate;          // system sample rate
} cmMDelay;

cmMDelay* cmMDelayAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmMDelay* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t fbCoeff, unsigned delayCnt, const cmReal_t* delayMsArray, const cmReal_t* delayGainArray );
cmRC_t    cmMDelayFree(  cmMDelay** pp );
cmRC_t    cmMDelayInit( cmMDelay* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t fbCoeff, unsigned delayCnt, const cmReal_t* delayMsArray, const cmReal_t* delayGainArray );
cmRC_t    cmMDelayFinal( cmMDelay* p );
cmRC_t    cmMDelayExec(  cmMDelay* p, const cmSample_t* sigV, cmSample_t* outV, unsigned sigN, bool bypassFl ); 
void      cmMDelaySetTapMs( cmMDelay* p, unsigned tapIdx, cmReal_t ms );
void      cmMDelaySetTapGain(cmMDelay* p, unsigned tapIdx, cmReal_t gain );
void      cmMDelayReport( cmMDelay* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );

cmAudioSegPlayer : Buffer and playback an arbitrary number of audio signals.
  kEnableAspFl  = 0x01,
  kDelAspFl     = 0x02

typedef struct cmAudioSeg_str
  cmAudioFileBuf*    bufPtr;      // pointer to the audio file buffer this segment is contained in
  unsigned           id;          // id (unique amoung segments) 
  unsigned           smpIdx;      // offset into audioBuf[] of first sample
  unsigned           smpCnt;      // total count of samples to play 
  unsigned           outChIdx;    // output buffer channel 
  unsigned           outSmpIdx;   // outSmpIdx + smpIdx == next sample to play
  unsigned           flags;       // see kXXXAspFl
} cmAudioSeg;

typedef struct
  cmObj             obj;
  unsigned          segCnt;
  cmAudioSeg*       segArray;
  unsigned          procSmpCnt;
  cmSample_t**      outChArray;
  unsigned          outChCnt;
  cmSample_t*       outM;
} cmAudioSegPlayer;

cmAudioSegPlayer* cmAudioSegPlayerAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmAudioSegPlayer* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned outChCnt );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerFree(   cmAudioSegPlayer** pp );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerInit(   cmAudioSegPlayer* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned outChCnt );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerFinal(  cmAudioSegPlayer* p );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerInsert( cmAudioSegPlayer* p, unsigned id, cmAudioFileBuf* bufPtr, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned smpCnt, unsigned outChIdx );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerEdit(   cmAudioSegPlayer* p, unsigned id, cmAudioFileBuf* bufPtr, unsigned smpIdx, unsigned smpCnt, unsigned outChIdx );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerRemove( cmAudioSegPlayer* p, unsigned id, bool delFl );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerEnable( cmAudioSegPlayer* p, unsigned id, bool enableFl, unsigned outSmpIdx );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerReset(  cmAudioSegPlayer* p );
cmRC_t            cmAudioSegPlayerExec(   cmAudioSegPlayer* p, cmSample_t** outChPtr, unsigned chCnt, unsigned outSmpCnt );

cmNmf : Non-negative matrix factorization implementation.
typedef struct
  cmObj     obj;
  unsigned  n;
  unsigned  m;
  unsigned  r;
  unsigned  maxIterCnt;
  unsigned  convergeCnt;
  cmReal_t* V;   // V[n,m]
  cmReal_t* W;   // W[n,r]
  cmReal_t* H;   // H[r,m]
  cmReal_t* tr;
  cmReal_t* x;
  cmReal_t* t0nm;
  cmReal_t* t1nm;
  cmReal_t* Wt;
  cmReal_t* Ht;
  cmReal_t* trm;
  unsigned* crm;
  cmReal_t* tnr;
  unsigned* c0;
  unsigned* c1;
  unsigned* c0m;
  unsigned* c1m;
  unsigned* idxV;
} cmNmf_t;

cmNmf_t* cmNmfAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmNmf_t* ap, unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned r, unsigned maxIterCnt, unsigned convergeCnt );
cmRC_t   cmNmfFree( cmNmf_t** pp );
cmRC_t   cmNmfInit( cmNmf_t* p,  unsigned n, unsigned m, unsigned r, unsigned maxIterCnt, unsigned convergeCnt );
cmRC_t   cmNmfFinal(cmNmf_t* p );

cmRC_t   cmNmfExec( cmNmf_t* p, const cmReal_t* v, unsigned cn );

cmVectArray : Store and recall arrays of arbitrary length numeric vectors.
// cmVectArray buffers row vectors of arbitrary length in  memory.
// The buffers may then be access using the cmVectArrayGetXXX() functions.
// The entire contents of the file may be written to a file using atVectArrayWrite().
// The file may then be read in back into memory using cmVectArrayAllocFromFile()
// or in octave via readVectArray.m.
// A rectantular matrix in memory may be written to a VectArray file in one operation
// via the function cmVectArrayWriteMatrixXXX(). 

typedef struct cmVectArrayVect_str
  unsigned n;   // length of this vector in values (not bytes)
    char*        v;   // raw memory vector pointer
    double*     dV;   // dV[n] vector of doubles 
    float*      fV;   // fV[n] vecotr of floats
    cmSample_t* sV;   // sV[n] vector of cmSample_t
    int*        iV;
    unsigned*   uV;
  } u;
  struct cmVectArrayVect_str* link;  // link to next element record
} cmVectArrayVect_t;

  kDoubleVaFl = 0x01,
  kRealVaFl   = 0x01,
  kFloatVaFl  = 0x02,
  kSampleVaFl = 0x02,
  kIntVaFl    = 0x04,
  kUIntVaFl   = 0x08,
  kVaMask     = 0x0f

typedef struct
  cmObj              obj;
  cmVectArrayVect_t* bp;           // first list element
  cmVectArrayVect_t* ep;           // last list element
  unsigned           vectCnt;      // count of elements in linked list
  unsigned           flags;        // data vector type (See: kFloatVaFl, kDoubleVaFl, ... )
  unsigned           typeByteCnt;  // size of a single data vector value (e.g. 4=float 8=double)
  unsigned           maxEleCnt;    // length of the longest data vector
  double*            tempV;
  cmVectArrayVect_t* cur;
} cmVectArray_t;

// Flags must be set to one of the kXXXVAFl flag values.
cmVectArray_t* cmVectArrayAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, unsigned flags );
cmVectArray_t* cmVectArrayAllocFromFile(cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn );

cmRC_t cmVectArrayFree(    cmVectArray_t** pp );

// Release all the stored vectors but do not release the object.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayClear(   cmVectArray_t* p );

// Return the count of vectors contained in the vector array.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayCount(   const cmVectArray_t* p );

// Return the maximum element count among all rows.
unsigned cmVectArrayMaxRowCount( const cmVectArray_t* p );

// Store a new vector by appending it to the end of the internal vector list.
// Note:
// 1. The true type of v[] in the call to cmVectArrayAppendV() must match
// the data type set in p-&gtflags.
// 2. The 'vn' argument to atVectArrayAppendV() is an element count not
// a byte count.  The size of each element is determined by the data type
// as set by atVectArrayAlloc().  
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendV( cmVectArray_t* p, const void* v,       unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendS( cmVectArray_t* p, const cmSample_t* v, unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendR( cmVectArray_t* p, const cmReal_t* v,   unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendF( cmVectArray_t* p, const float* v,      unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendD( cmVectArray_t* p, const double* v,     unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendI( cmVectArray_t* p, const int* v,        unsigned vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayAppendU( cmVectArray_t* p, const unsigned* v,   unsigned vn );

// Write a vector array in a format that can be read by readVectArray.m.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWrite(     cmVectArray_t* p, const char* fn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteDirFn(cmVectArray_t* p, const char* dir, const char* fn );

// Print the vector array to rpt.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayPrint( cmVectArray_t* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );

typedef cmRC_t (*cmVectArrayForEachFuncS_t)( void* arg, unsigned idx, const cmSample_t* xV, unsigned xN );
unsigned cmVectArrayForEachS( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned idx, unsigned cnt, cmVectArrayForEachFuncS_t func, void* arg ); 

// Write the vector v[vn] in the VectArray file format.
// Note:
// 1. The true type of v[] in cmVectArrayWriteVectoV() must match the
// data type set in the 'flags' parameter.
// 2. The 'vn' argument to atVectArrayWriteVectorV() is an element count not
// a byte count.  The size of each element is determined by the data type
// as set by atVectArrayAlloc().   
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const void*       v, unsigned  vn, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmSample_t* v, unsigned  vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmReal_t*   v, unsigned  vn );  
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const double*     v, unsigned  vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const float*      v, unsigned  vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const int*        v, unsigned  vn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteVectorU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const unsigned*   v, unsigned  vn );

// Write the column-major matrix m[rn,cn] to the file 'fn'.
// Notes:
// 1. The true type of m[] in cmVectArrayWriteMatrixV() must match the
// data type set in the 'flags' parameter.
// 2. The 'rn','cn' arguments to atVectWriteMatrixV() is are element counts not
// byte counts.  The size of each element is determined by the data type
// as set by atVectArrayAlloc().
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const void*       m, unsigned  rn, unsigned cn, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmSample_t* m, unsigned  rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmReal_t*   m, unsigned  rn, unsigned cn );  
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const double*     m, unsigned  rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const float*      m, unsigned  rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const int*        m, unsigned  rn, unsigned cn );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayWriteMatrixU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const unsigned*   m, unsigned  rn, unsigned cn );

// Read a VectArray file and return it as a matrix.
// The returned memory must be released with a subsequent call to cmMemFree().
// Note that the true type of the pointer address 'mRef' in the call to 
// cmVectArrayReadMatrixV() must match the data type of the cmVectArray_t
// specified by 'fn'.
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, void**       mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, cmSample_t** mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, cmReal_t**   mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );  
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, double**     mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, float**      mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, int**        mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );
cmRC_t cmVectArrayReadMatrixU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, unsigned**   mRef, unsigned* rnRef, unsigned* cnRef );

// Row iteration control functions.
cmRC_t   cmVectArrayRewind(   cmVectArray_t* p );
cmRC_t   cmVectArrayAdvance(  cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned n );
bool     cmVectArrayIsEOL(    const cmVectArray_t* p );
unsigned cmVectArrayEleCount( const cmVectArray_t* p );

// Copy the current row vector to v[].
// Note that the true type of v[] in cmVectArrayGetV() must match the data type of 'p'.
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayGetV(     cmVectArray_t* p, void*       v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayGetS(     cmVectArray_t* p, cmSample_t* v, unsigned* vnRef );  
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayGetR(     cmVectArray_t* p, cmReal_t*   v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayGetD(     cmVectArray_t* p, double*     v, unsigned* vnRef );  
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayGetF(     cmVectArray_t* p, float*      v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayGetI(     cmVectArray_t* p, int*        v, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayGetU(     cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned*   v, unsigned* vnRef );

// Set *resultFlRef to true if m[rn,cn] is equal to the cmVectArray_t specified by 'fn'.
// Note that the true type of 'm[]' in the call to cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualV()
// must match the data type set in 'flags'.
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualV( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const void*       m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualS( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmSample_t* m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );  
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualR( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const cmReal_t*   m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );  
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualD( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const double*     m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );  
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualF( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const float*      m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );  
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualI( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const int*        m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );  
cmRC_t  cmVectArrayMatrixIsEqualU( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, const unsigned*   m, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, bool* resultFlRef );  

// If a vector array is composed of repeating blocks of 'groupCnt' sub-vectors 
// where the concatenated ith sub-vectors in each group form a single super-vector then
// this function will return the super-vector.  Use cmMemFree(*vRef) to release
// the returned super-vector.
cmRC_t   cmVectArrayFormVectR( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, cmReal_t**   vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t   cmVectArrayFormVectF( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, float**      vRef, unsigned* vnRef );

cmRC_t   cmVectArrayFormVectColF( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, unsigned colIdx, float**    vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t   cmVectArrayFormVectColU( cmVectArray_t* p, unsigned groupIdx, unsigned groupCnt, unsigned colIdx, unsigned** vRef, unsigned* vnRef );
cmRC_t   cmVectArrayTest( cmCtx* ctx, const char* fn, bool genFl );  

cmWhFilt : Spectral whitening filter.
// Spectral whitening filter.
// Based on: Klapuri, A., 2006: Multiple fundamental frequency estimation by summing
//  harmonic amplitudes.

typedef struct
  cmObj     obj;
  unsigned  binCnt;   
  cmReal_t  binHz;    
  unsigned  bandCnt;  
  cmReal_t  coeff;    
  cmReal_t* whiV;     // whiV[bandCnt+2] - fractional bin index of each center frequency 
  cmReal_t* whM;      // whM[binCnt,bandCnt]
  cmReal_t* iV;       // iV[ binCnt ] - working memory
} cmWhFilt;

cmWhFilt* cmWhFiltAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmWhFilt* p, unsigned binCnt, cmReal_t binHz, cmReal_t coeff, cmReal_t maxHz );
cmRC_t    cmWhFiltFree( cmWhFilt** pp );
cmRC_t    cmWhFiltInit( cmWhFilt* p, unsigned binCnt, cmReal_t binHz, cmReal_t coeff, cmReal_t maxHz );
cmRC_t    cmWhFiltFinal( cmWhFilt* p );
cmRC_t    cmWhFiltExec( cmWhFilt* p, const cmReal_t* xV, cmReal_t* yV, unsigned xyN );

cmFrqTrk : Track sinusoids from STFT frame data.
typedef enum
} cmFrqTrkAttenStateId_t;

typedef struct
  double      srate;           // system sample rate
  unsigned    chCnt;           // tracking channel count
  unsigned    binCnt;          // count of spectrum elements passed in each call to cmFrqTrkExec()
  unsigned    hopSmpCnt;       // phase vocoder hop count in samples
  cmReal_t    stRange;         // maximum allowable semi-tones between a tracker and a peak
  cmReal_t    wndSecs;         // duration of the 
  cmReal_t    minTrkSec;       // minimum track length before track is considered stable
  cmReal_t    maxTrkDeadSec;   // maximum length of time a tracker may fail to connect to a peak before being declared disconnected.
  cmReal_t    pkThreshDb;      // minimum amplitide in Decibels of a selected spectral peak.
  cmReal_t    pkAtkThreshDb;   // minimum amplitude in Decibels for the first frame of a new track.
  cmReal_t    pkMaxHz;         // maximum frequency to track
  cmReal_t    whFiltCoeff;
  cmReal_t    attenThresh;
  cmReal_t    attenGain; 
  cmReal_t    attenDlySec;
  cmReal_t    attenAtkSec;   
  const char* logFn;           // log file name or NULL if no file is to be written
  const char* levelFn;         // level file name or NULL if no file is to be written
  const char* specFn;          // spectrum file name or NULL if no file is to be written
  const char* attenFn;
} cmFrqTrkArgs_t;

typedef struct
  bool     activeFl; 
  unsigned id;
  unsigned tN;    // age of this track in frames
  unsigned dN;    // count of consecutive times this ch has not connected 
  cmReal_t hz;    // current center frequency
  cmReal_t db;    // current magnitude
  cmReal_t* dbV;  // dbV[]
  cmReal_t* hzV;  // hzV[] 
  unsigned  si;
  unsigned  sn;
  cmReal_t db_mean;
  cmReal_t db_std;
  cmReal_t hz_mean;
  cmReal_t hz_std;
  cmReal_t score;
  cmFrqTrkAttenStateId_t state;
  int      attenPhsIdx;
  cmReal_t attenGain;
} cmFrqTrkCh_t;

struct cmBinMtxFile_str;

typedef struct cmFrqTrk_str
  cmObj         obj;
  cmFrqTrkArgs_t  a;
  cmFrqTrkCh_t*  ch;   // ch[ a.chCnt ]
  unsigned       hN;   // count of magnitude buffer frames 
  unsigned       sN;   // count of frames in channel statistics buffers
  unsigned       bN;   // count of bins in peak matrices
  cmReal_t*     dbM;   // dbM[ hN, bN ]
  unsigned       hi;   // next row of dbM to fill
  unsigned       fN;   // total count of frames processed.
  cmReal_t      binHz;
  cmReal_t*     dbV;
  unsigned*     pkiV;
  unsigned      deadN_max;  // max. count of hops a tracker may fail to connect before being set to inactive
  unsigned      minTrkN;    // minimum track length in hops
  unsigned      nextTrkId;
  unsigned      newTrkCnt;
  unsigned      curTrkCnt;
  unsigned      deadTrkCnt;
  cmReal_t*     aV;
  int           attenDlyPhsMax;
  int           attenPhsMax;
  cmWhFilt*      wf;
  cmVectArray_t* logVa;
  cmVectArray_t* levelVa;
  cmVectArray_t* specVa;
  cmVectArray_t* attenVa;
  cmChar_t*      logFn;
  cmChar_t*      levelFn;
  cmChar_t*      specFn;
  cmChar_t*      attenFn;
} cmFrqTrk;

// 1. Calculate the mean spectral magnitude profile over the last hN frames.
// 2. Locate the peaks in the profile.
// 3. Allow each active tracker to select the closest peak to extend its life.
//     a) The distance between the trackers current location and a given
//        peak is measured based on magnitude and frequency over time.
//     b) There is a frequency range limit outside of which a given track-peak
//        connection may not go.
//     c) There is an amplitude threshold below which a track may not fall.

cmFrqTrk* cmFrqTrkAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmFrqTrk* p, const cmFrqTrkArgs_t* a );
cmRC_t    cmFrqTrkFree( cmFrqTrk** pp );
cmRC_t    cmFrqTrkInit( cmFrqTrk* p, const cmFrqTrkArgs_t* a );
cmRC_t    cmFrqTrkFinal( cmFrqTrk* p );
cmRC_t    cmFrqTrkExec( cmFrqTrk* p, const cmReal_t* magV, const cmReal_t* phsV, const cmReal_t* hzV );
void      cmFrqTrkPrint( cmFrqTrk* p );

cmFbCtl : Perform acoustic feedback control by attenuating loud sinusoid signals.
typedef struct
  double   srate;
  unsigned binCnt;
  unsigned hopSmpCnt;
  unsigned bufMs;
  cmReal_t maxHz;
} cmFbCtlArgs_t;

typedef struct
  cmObj          obj;
  cmFbCtlArgs_t  a;
  unsigned       binCnt;
  unsigned       frmCnt;
  cmReal_t*      bM;            // bM[ frmCnt, binCnt ];
  unsigned       bfi;           // current buffer frame (column) index
  unsigned       bfN;           // currrent count of frames in the buffer
  cmReal_t*      rmsV;          // rmsV[ frmCnt ]; 
  cmReal_t*      sV;            // sV[ binCnt ]
  cmReal_t*      uV;
  cmVectArray_t* sva;
  cmVectArray_t* uva;
} cmFbCtl_t;

cmFbCtl_t* cmFbCtlAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmFbCtl_t* p, const cmFbCtlArgs_t* a );
cmRC_t     cmFbCtlFree( cmFbCtl_t** pp );
cmRC_t     cmFbCtlInit( cmFbCtl_t* p, const cmFbCtlArgs_t* a );
cmRC_t     cmFbCtlFinal(cmFbCtl_t* p );
cmRC_t     cmFbCtlExec( cmFbCtl_t* p, const cmReal_t* xV );

cmExpander : Expander implementation for audio dynamics processing.

typedef struct
  cmObj obj;
  cmReal_t* rmsV;   // rmsV[rmsN]
  unsigned    rmsN;   
  unsigned    rmsIdx; 
  cmReal_t    rmsValue;  // last RMS value
  cmSample_t* envV;   // envV[envN]
  unsigned    envN;   // atkSmp + rlsSmp;
  unsigned    threshN;
  unsigned    threshIdx;
  float       threshLvl;
  float       rlsLvl;
  unsigned    envIdx;
  double      gain;
  unsigned    atkCnt;
} cmExpander;

cmExpander* cmExpanderAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmExpander* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, double threshDb, double rlsDb, double threshMs, double rmsMs, double atkMs, double rlsMs );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderFree(  cmExpander** pp );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderInit( cmExpander* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, double threshDb, double rlsDb, double threshMs, double rmsMs, double atkMs, double rlsMs );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderFinal( cmExpander* p );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderExec( cmExpander* p, cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned xyN );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderExecD( cmExpander* p, double* x, double* y, unsigned xyN );

cmExpanderBank : Bank of audio dynamics expanders based on cmExpander.
typedef struct
  cmObj obj;
  cmExpander** b;    // b[bandN]
  unsigned    bandN; 
  double      rmsValue;
  unsigned    atkCnt;
} cmExpanderBank;

cmExpanderBank* cmExpanderBankAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmExpanderBank* p, unsigned bandN, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, double threshDb, double rlsDb, double threshMs, double rmsMs, double atkMs, double rlsMs );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderBankFree(  cmExpanderBank** pp );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderBankInit(  cmExpanderBank* p, unsigned bandN, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, double threshDb, double rlsDb, double threshMs, double rmsMs, double atkMs, double rlsMs );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderBankFinal( cmExpanderBank* p );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderBankExec(  cmExpanderBank* p, cmSample_t* x, unsigned bandN );
cmRC_t      cmExpanderBankExecD(  cmExpanderBank* p, double* x, unsigned bandN );

cmSpecDist : Spectral distortion algorithm based on non-linear transform.

  kBypassModeSdId,   // 0 - no effect
  kBasicModeSdId,    // 1 - fixed thresh
  kSpecCentSdId,     // 2 - thresh = max magn - (offset * spec_cent)
  kAmpEnvSdId,       // 3 - thresh = max magn - offset

typedef struct
  cmObj    obj;
  double   srate;
  unsigned wndSmpCnt;
  unsigned hopFcmt;
  unsigned hopSmpCnt;
  unsigned procSmpCnt;
  cmPvAnl*  pva;
  cmPvSyn*  pvs;
  cmFrqTrk* ft;
  cmFbCtl_t*  fbc;
  cmExpanderBank* exb;
  unsigned mode;
  double   thresh;
  double   uprSlope;
  double   lwrSlope;
  double   offset;
  bool     invertFl;
  double   spcBwHz;    // spectral centroid bandwidth in Hz
  double   spcSmArg;   // spectral centroid smoothing 
  double   spcMin;
  double   spcMax;
  unsigned spcBinCnt;  // count of bins used in the spectral centroid 
  cmReal_t* hzV;     // hzV[spcBinCnt];
  cmReal_t  spc;
  unsigned  spcCnt;
  cmReal_t  spcSum;
  cmReal_t  spcSqSum;
  cmReal_t  aeSmMax;    // smoothed max bin magn - used by spectral centroid
  cmReal_t  aeSmOffs;   // smoothed offset 
  cmReal_t  ae;
  cmReal_t  aeMin;
  cmReal_t  aeMax;
  cmReal_t  aeUnit;
  cmReal_t ogain;
  cmReal_t ogain0;
  unsigned phaseModIndex;
  unsigned       fi;           // total count of frames processed by cmSpecDistExec()
  unsigned       hN;
  unsigned       hi;
  cmReal_t*      iSpecM;       // iSpecMtx[hN binN]
  cmReal_t*      iSpecV;       // mean of rows of iSpecM 
  cmVectArray_t* iSpecVa;     
  cmReal_t*      oSpecM;       // oSpecMtx[hN binN]
  cmReal_t*      oSpecV;       // mean of rows of oSpecM
  cmVectArray_t* oSpecVa;
  cmVectArray_t* statVa;
} cmSpecDist_t;

cmSpecDist_t*     cmSpecDistAlloc( cmCtx* ctx,cmSpecDist_t* ap, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopFcmt, unsigned olaWndTypeId  ); 
cmRC_t            cmSpecDistFree( cmSpecDist_t** pp );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDistInit( cmSpecDist_t* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopFcmt, unsigned olaWndTypeId  );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDistFinal(cmSpecDist_t* p );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDistExec( cmSpecDist_t* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
const cmSample_t* cmSpecDistOut(  cmSpecDist_t* p );

cmSpecDist : Spectral distortion 2 algorithm based on non-linear transform.

typedef struct
  cmObj       obj;
  double      srate;
  unsigned    wndSmpCnt;
  unsigned    hopFcmt;
  unsigned    hopSmpCnt;
  unsigned    procSmpCnt;
  double      igain;
  cmSample_t* igainV;
  cmPvAnl*    pva;
  cmPvSyn*    pvs;
  double   ceiling;
  double   expo;    
  double   mix;
  double   thresh;
  double   uprSlope;
  double   lwrSlope;
  cmReal_t ogain;
  unsigned       fi;           // total count of frames processed by cmSpecDistExec()
} cmSpecDist2_t;

cmSpecDist2_t*    cmSpecDist2Alloc( cmCtx* ctx,cmSpecDist2_t* ap, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopFcmt, unsigned olaWndTypeId  ); 
cmRC_t            cmSpecDist2Free( cmSpecDist2_t** pp );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDist2Init( cmSpecDist2_t* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopFcmt, unsigned olaWndTypeId  );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDist2Final(cmSpecDist2_t* p );
cmRC_t            cmSpecDist2Exec( cmSpecDist2_t* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
const cmSample_t* cmSpecDist2Out(  cmSpecDist2_t* p );
void              cmSpecDist2Report( cmSpecDist2_t* p );

cmBinMtxFile : Write a binary matrix which can be read by readBinFile.m.

// Write a binary matrix file in the format acceppted by the octave function readBinFile.m

typedef struct cmBinMtxFile_str
  cmObj      obj;
  cmFileH_t  fh;
  unsigned   rowCnt;
  unsigned   maxRowEleCnt;
  unsigned   eleByteCnt;  
} cmBinMtxFile_t;

cmBinMtxFile_t* cmBinMtxFileAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmBinMtxFile_t* ap, const cmChar_t* fn );
cmRC_t       cmBinMtxFileFree(  cmBinMtxFile_t** pp );
cmRC_t       cmBinMtxFileInit(  cmBinMtxFile_t* p, const cmChar_t* fn );
cmRC_t       cmBinMtxFileFinal( cmBinMtxFile_t* p );

// Write one row of 'xn' columns to the matrix file.
cmRC_t       cmBinMtxFileExecS( cmBinMtxFile_t* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn );
cmRC_t       cmBinMtxFileExecR( cmBinMtxFile_t* p, const cmReal_t*   x, unsigned xn );

bool         cmBinMtxFileIsValid( cmBinMtxFile_t* p );

// Write a binary matrix file. 
// The matrix data is provided as sp[rowCnt,colCnt] or rp[rowCnt,colCnt].
// The matrix is assumed to be in column major order (like all matrices in the cm library)
// Either 'sp' or 'rp' must be given but not both.
// 'ctx' is optional and defaults to NULL.
// If 'ctx' is not provided then 'rpt' must be provided.
// If 'ctx' is provided then 'rpt' is not used.
// See cmAudioFileReadWriteTest() in cmProcTest.c for an example usage.
cmRC_t cmBinMtxFileWrite( const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned rowCnt, unsigned colCnt, const cmSample_t* sp, const cmReal_t* rp, cmCtx* ctx, cmRpt_t* rpt );

// Return the matrix file geometry.
// rowCntPtr,colCntPtr and eleByteCntPtr are optional
cmRC_t cmBinMtxFileSize( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned* rowCntPtr, unsigned* colCntPtr, unsigned* eleByteCntPtr );

// Fill buf[rowCnt*colCnt*byteEleCnt] buffer from the binary matrix file 'fn'.
// rowCnt,colCnt,eleByteCnt must be exactly the same as the actual file.
// Use cmBinMtxFileSize() to determine the buffer size prior to calling this function.
// colCntV[colCnt] is optional.
cmRC_t cmBinMtxFileRead( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned rowCnt, unsigned colCnt, unsigned eleByteCnt, void* buf, unsigned* colCntV );