Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

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cmMidi : MIDI utility constants and functions.

  kMidiChCnt           = 16,
  kInvalidMidiByte     = 128,
  kMidiNoteCnt         = kInvalidMidiByte,
  kMidiCtlCnt          = kInvalidMidiByte,
  kMidiPgmCnt          = kInvalidMidiByte,
  kInvalidMidiPitch    = kInvalidMidiByte,
  kInvalidMidiVelocity = kInvalidMidiByte,
  kInvalidMidiCtl      = kInvalidMidiByte,
  kInvalidMidiPgm      = kInvalidMidiByte,
  kMidiSciPitchCharCnt = 5   // A#-1

// MIDI status bytes
  kInvalidStatusMdId = 0x00,
  kNoteOffMdId       = 0x80,
  kNoteOnMdId        = 0x90,
  kPolyPresMdId      = 0xa0,
  kCtlMdId           = 0xb0,
  kPgmMdId           = 0xc0,
  kChPresMdId        = 0xd0,
  kPbendMdId         = 0xe0,
  kSysExMdId         = 0xf0,
  kSysComMtcMdId     = 0xf1,
  kSysComSppMdId     = 0xf2,
  kSysComSelMdId     = 0xf3,
  kSysComUndef0MdId  = 0xf4,
  kSysComUndef1MdId  = 0xf5,
  kSysComTuneMdId    = 0xf6,
  kSysComEoxMdId     = 0xf7,
  kSysRtClockMdId  = 0xf8,
  kSysRtUndef0MdId = 0xf9,
  kSysRtStartMdId  = 0xfa,
  kSysRtContMdId   = 0xfb,
  kSysRtStopMdId   = 0xfc,
  kSysRtUndef1MdId = 0xfd,
  kSysRtSenseMdId  = 0xfe,
  kSysRtResetMdId  = 0xff,
  kMetaStId        = 0xff,
  kSeqNumbMdId     = 0x00,
  kTextMdId        = 0x01,
  kCopyMdId        = 0x02,
  kTrkNameMdId     = 0x03,
  kInstrNameMdId   = 0x04,
  kLyricsMdId      = 0x05,
  kMarkerMdId      = 0x06,
  kCuePointMdId    = 0x07,
  kMidiChMdId      = 0x20,
  kEndOfTrkMdId    = 0x2f,
  kTempoMdId       = 0x51,
  kSmpteMdId       = 0x54,
  kTimeSigMdId     = 0x58,
  kKeySigMdId      = 0x59,
  kSeqSpecMdId     = 0x7f,
  kInvalidMetaMdId = 0x80,
  kSustainCtlMdId    = 0x40,
  kPortamentoCtlMdId = 0x41,
  kSostenutoCtlMdId  = 0x42,
  kSoftPedalCtlMdId  = 0x43,
  kLegatoCtlMdId     = 0x44

typedef unsigned char cmMidiByte_t;

// Utility Functions //
#define cmMidiIsStatus( s ) (kNoteOffMdId <= (s) //&amp&amp ((unsigned)(s)) &lt= kSysRtResetMdId ) #define cmMidiIsChStatus( s ) (kNoteOffMdId <= (s) && (s) < kSysExMdId) #define cmMidiIsNoteOn( s ) ( kNoteOnMdId <= (s) && (s) < (kNoteOnMdId + kMidiChCnt) ) #define cmMidiIsNoteOff( s, d1 ) ( (cmMidiIsNoteOn(s) && (d1)==0) || (kNoteOffMdId <= (s) && (s) < (kNoteOffMdId + kMidiChCnt)) ) #define cmMidiIsCtl( s ) ( kCtlMdId <= (s) && (s) < (kCtlMdId + kMidiChCnt) ) #define cmMidiIsSustainPedal( s, d0 ) ( kCtlMdId <= (s) && (s) <= (kCtlMdId + kMidiChCnt) && (d0)== kSustainCtlMdId ) #define cmMidiIsSustainPedalDown( s, d0, d1) ( cmMidiIsSustainPedal(s,d0) && (d1)>=64 ) #define cmMidiIsSustainPedalUp( s, d0, d1) ( cmMidiIsSustainPedal(s,d0) && (d1)<64 ) #define cmMidiIsSostenutoPedal( s, d0 ) ( kCtlMdId <= (s) && (s) <= (kCtlMdId + kMidiChCnt) && (d0)== kSostenutoCtlMdId ) #define cmMidiIsSostenutoPedalDown( s, d0, d1) ( cmMidiIsSostenutoPedal(s,d0) && (d1)>=64 ) #define cmMidiIsSostenutoPedalUp( s, d0, d1) ( cmMidiIsSostenutoPedal(s,d0) && (d1)<64 ) #define cmMidiIsPedal( s, d0 ) ( kCtlMdId <= (s) && (s) <= (kCtlMdId + kMidiChCnt) && (d0)>=kSustainCtlMdId && (d0)<=kLegatoCtlMdId ) #define cmMidiIsPedalDown( s, d0, d1 ) ( cmMidiIsPedal(s,d0) && (d1)>=64 ) #define cmMidiIsPedalUp( s, d0, d1 ) ( cmMidiIsPedal(s,d0) && (d1)<64 ) const char* cmMidiStatusToLabel( cmMidiByte_t status ); const char* cmMidiMetaStatusToLabel( cmMidiByte_t metaStatus ); const char* cmMidiPedalLabel( cmMidiByte_t d0 ); // Returns kInvalidMidiByte if status is not a valid status byte cmMidiByte_t cmMidiStatusToByteCount( cmMidiByte_t status ); unsigned cmMidiTo14Bits( cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 ); void cmMidiSplit14Bits( unsigned v, cmMidiByte_t* d0Ref, cmMidiByte_t* d1Ref ); int cmMidiToPbend( cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 ); void cmMidiSplitPbend( int v, cmMidiByte_t* d0Ref, cmMidiByte_t* d1Ref );
// MIDI Communication data types //
typedef struct { //unsigned deltaUs; // time since last MIDI msg in microseconds cmTimeSpec_t timeStamp; cmMidiByte_t status; // midi status byte cmMidiByte_t d0; // midi data byte 0 cmMidiByte_t d1; // midi data byte 1 cmMidiByte_t pad; } cmMidiMsg; typedef struct { void* cbDataPtr; // application supplied reference value from mdParserCreate() unsigned devIdx; // the device the msg originated from unsigned portIdx; // the port index on the source device cmMidiMsg* msgArray; // pointer to an array of 'msgCnt' mdMsg records or NULL if sysExMsg is non-NULL cmMidiByte_t* sysExMsg; // pointer to a sys-ex msg or NULL if msgArray is non-NULL (see note below) unsigned msgCnt; // count of mdMsg records or sys-ex bytes } cmMidiPacket_t; // Notes: If the sys-ex message can be contained in a single msg then // then the first msg byte is kSysExMdId and the last is kSysComEoxMdId. // If the sys-ex message is broken into multiple pieces then only the // first will begin with kSysExMdId and the last will end with kSysComEoxMdId. // If label is NULL or labelCharCnt==0 then a pointer to an internal static // buffer is returned. If label[] is given the it // should have at least 5 (kMidiPitchCharCnt) char's (including the terminating zero). // If 'pitch' is outside of the range 0-127 then a blank string is returned. const char* cmMidiToSciPitch( cmMidiByte_t pitch, char* label, unsigned labelCharCnt ); // Convert a scientific pitch to MIDI pitch. acc == 1 == sharp, acc == -1 == flat. // The pitch character must be in the range 'A' to 'G'. Upper or lower case is valid. // Return kInvalidMidiPitch if the arguments are not valid. cmMidiByte_t cmSciPitchToMidiPitch( cmChar_t pitch, int acc, int octave ); // Scientific pitch string: [A-Ga-g][#b][#] where # may be -1 to 9. // Return kInvalidMidiPitch if sciPtichStr does not contain a valid // scientific pitch string. This function will convert C-1 to G9 to // valid MIDI pitch values 0 to 127. Scientific pitch strings outside // of this range will be returned as kInvalidMidiPitch. cmMidiByte_t cmSciPitchToMidi( const char* sciPitchStr );