Transform Audition Tool
The electronic sound transformations applied to get used to it man thats the way we live now are determined partly in advance, and partly on the fly, responsive to how the piece is performed. The result is a zone of uncertainty -- but not chance or randomness! -- within which the transforms will deploy with nearly limitless variability.
Transform Audition Tool
Our Transform Audition Tool below simulates some of the different transformations that are possible -- minus the zone of variability that can only come into play during a live performance. In the one-minute extract of the piece used below there are 14 fragments, 12 of which present three choices of a transform to apply, and two meant to be heard in all performances as untransformed piano sound. We represent the transforms here as colors, so that upon selection your choice will layer over the fragment of the score it applies to.
To audition a set of transforms select one of the colored bands from any set of consecutive fragments and press the 'Play' button.
The selection of three colors / transforms is not the same for every fragment in the example. Note fragments 10 and 11 happen to offer the same set of choices.
The total number of possible combinations of transformations which can be applied to this one-minute example is 312 = 531,441. This already large number increases once the variablity based on performance is taken into account.