Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

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cmTakeSeqBldr : Concatenate multiple overlapping MIDI performances into a single virtual performance by associating score information with the MIDI events.

  kOkTsbRC = cmOkRC,

typedef cmRC_t     cmTsbRC_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmTakeSeqBldrH_t;

extern cmTakeSeqBldrH_t cmTakeSeqBldrNullHandle;

// Allocate a Sequence Builder.
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrAlloc(   cmCtx_t* ctx, cmTakeSeqBldrH_t* hp );

// Allocate and initalize a sequence builder.
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrAllocFn( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmTakeSeqBldrH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* scoreTrkFn );

// Free a previously allocated sequence builder.
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrFree( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t* hp );

// Validate a sequence builder handle.
bool      cmTakeSeqBldrIsValid( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h );

// Load a score tracking file create by app/cmScoreProc.c:_cmScoreProcGenAssocMain().
// Note that calling this function loads a time-line object and score object
// along with the information contained in the score tracking file.
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrInitialize( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, const cmChar_t* scoreTrkFn );

// Load a group of notes delinated by a time-line marker into the sequence.
// If notes overlap with existing notes according to their 'scEvtIdx' attribute:
//   a. If 'overWriteFl' is set then the incoming overlapped notes are enabled 
//      and the existing overlapped notes are disabled, otherwise the incoming
//      overlapped notes are disabled and the existing notes remain enabled.
//   b. The incoming section is time aligned with the first or last existing 
//      note depending on whether the new section aligns best with the beginning
//      or ending of the existing notes.
// If no overlapping notes exist then the incoming section is aligned by estimating
// the alignment with existing notes using the score alone.
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrLoadTake(   cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned tlMarkUid, bool overwriteFL );
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrUnloadTake( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned tlMarkUid );

double    cmTakeSeqBldrSampleRate( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h );

// Return a handle to the score used by this cmTakeSeqBldr.
cmScH_t   cmTakeSeqBldrScoreHandle( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h );

// Return the count of score-track takes.
unsigned cmTakeSeqBldrScTrkTakeCount( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h );

typedef struct
  unsigned minScEvtIdx;   // first score event index this 'take' contains
  unsigned maxScEvtIdx;   // last score event index this 'take' contains
  unsigned tlMarkerUid;   // the marker Uid associated with this take
} cmTksbScTrkTake_t;

// Given an index [0 - cmTakeSeqBldrScTrkTakeCount()) return a cmTksbScTrkTake_t record
cmTsbRC_t       cmTakeSeqBldrScTrkTake( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned idx, cmTksbScTrkTake_t* ref );

// Return the text associated with the specified 'take' marker.
const cmChar_t* cmTakeSeqBldrScTrkTakeText( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned tlMarkerUId );

// Set score location index to cmInvalidIdx to rewind the player to the beginning of the sequence.
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrPlaySeekLoc( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned scLocIdx );

typedef struct
  unsigned smpIdx;     // NOTE: changes in this structure should be 
  unsigned status;     // might break;
  unsigned d0;         // void _cmDspTakeSeqRendPedalsUp( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst )
  unsigned d1;         // because it loads a static array
} cmTksbEvent_t;

typedef void (*cmTakeSeqBldrPlayFunc_t)( void* arg, const cmTksbEvent_t* evt );

cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrPlayExec( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned deltaSmp, cmTakeSeqBldrPlayFunc_t cbFunc, void* cbArg );

typedef struct
  unsigned      srcId;
  unsigned      scEvtIdx;
  unsigned      rid;
  unsigned      flags;
  unsigned      offsetSmp;
  unsigned      durSmp;
  cmTksbEvent_t evt;
} cmTksbRend_t;

void cmTakeSeqBldrRendReset( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h );
bool cmTakeSeqBldrRendNext(cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, cmTksbRend_t* rendRef );

cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrRendInfo( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned rid, cmTksbRend_t* r ); 
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrRendDelete( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, unsigned rid );
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrRendInsert( 
cmTakeSeqBldrH_t     h, 
const cmTksbEvent_t* e,
unsigned             durSmp,
unsigned*            ridRef );

cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrWrite( cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );
cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrRead(  cmTakeSeqBldrH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );

cmTsbRC_t cmTakeSeqBldrTest( cmCtx_t* ctx );