Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

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cmSdb : Musical instrument sample database manager and synthetic sequence generator.


typedef cmHandle_t cmSdbH_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmSdbResponseH_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmSdbSeqH_t;

typedef cmRC_t     cmSdbRC_t;

extern cmSdbH_t         cmSdbNullHandle;
extern cmSdbResponseH_t cmSdbResponseNullHandle;
extern cmSdbSeqH_t      cmSdbSeqNullHandle;

typedef struct
  unsigned         uuid;      // unique id of this sample
  unsigned         baseUuid;  // uuid of channel 0
  unsigned         chIdx;    // channel index (0=left,1=right)
  unsigned         obi;      // outer onset
  unsigned         ibi;      // inner onset
  unsigned         iei;      // inner offset
  unsigned         oei;      // outer offset
  unsigned         midi;     // MIDI pitch or -1 for unpitched instruments
  unsigned         srate;    // sample rate
  unsigned         chCnt;    // source channel count
  const cmChar_t*  src;      // sample source (e.g. mcgill, ui )
  const cmChar_t*  instr;    // instrument label
  const cmChar_t*  afn;      // audio file name 
  const cmChar_t** notesV;   // NULL terminated list of terms describing the event.
} cmSdbEvent_t;

// Create an SDB object.  If 'csvFn' is non-NULL then an internal call is made to cmSdbLoad().
cmSdbRC_t cmSdbCreate( cmCtx_t* ctx,  cmSdbH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* csvFn, const cmChar_t* audioDir );

// Release an SDB object previously created via cmSdbCreate().
cmSdbRC_t cmSdbDestroy( cmSdbH_t* hp );

bool      cmSdbIsValid( cmSdbH_t h );

// Iinitialze the internal database from the CSV file 'csvFn'.
cmSdbRC_t cmSdbLoad( cmSdbH_t h, const cmChar_t* csvFn, const cmChar_t* audioDir );

// Time align all channel pairs by setting the onset times to 
// the minimum time among all the pairs and the offset times to
// the maximum among all the pairs.  This function is applied to all
// the events contained in the sample database.
cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSyncChPairs( cmSdbH_t h );

// Given a sample event unique id return a pointer to the associated record.
const cmSdbEvent_t* cmSdbEvent( cmSdbH_t h, unsigned uuid );

// Query Related functions //
// Select a set of events from the sample database. // // The possible selection criteria are: // sample rate // instrument label // source label // notes labels // event duration // // In order to match an event all active criteria // must match. In other words the match implies a // logical AND operation on each match criteria. // Each of the criteria can be made inactive by // specifying particular key values. // sample rate = 0 // instrument label = NULL // source label = NULL // notes labels = NULL // event duration = minDurSec=0 maxDurSec=0 // // For the text array arguments (instrV,srcV,notesV) // each element of the array is a key which is attempts to // match the associated field in each event record. // By default a match is triggered if the key text is identical to the // event field text. The match algorithm can be modified by // specifying a '*' as the first character in the key field. // In this case a the key need only be a substring of the // event field to trigger a match. For example &quot*viol&quot // will return events that match both &quotviolin&quot and &quotviola&quot. // // To specify a mismatch as a successful match // (i.e. to return events which do not match the key text) // prefix the key with a '!' character. // // Note that it is legal to specify both '!' and '*'. In // which case a match will be triggered by fields where // the key text is not a substring of the field text. // // pitchV[] contains an array of pitch values to match. // The last value in pitchV[] must be kInvalidMidiPitch. // If pitchV == NULL then all pitches match. Note that // to match non-pitched instruments set set one element // of pitchV[] to -1. // // The application should release all query response handles // returned from this function via a call to cmSdbResponseFree(). // cmSdbDestroy() will automatically release any response // handles not previously release by cmSdbReponseFree(). cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSelect( cmSdbH_t h, double srate, // event sample rate or 0 to ignore const cmChar_t** instrV, // array of instrument labels to match const cmChar_t** srcV, // array of 'src' labels to match const cmChar_t** notesV, // array of text 'notes' to match const unsigned* pitchV, // array of pitches terminated w/ kInvalidMidiPitch double minDurSec, // min event duration double maxDurSec, // max event duration or 0 to ignore unsigned minChCnt, // min ch cnt or 0 to ignore cmSdbResponseH_t* rhp ); // Given the event 'ep' locate the channel pairs associated with that event. // The response handle returned from this function must be released // by a call to cmSdbResponseFree(). cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSelectChPairs( cmSdbH_t h, const cmSdbEvent_t* ep, cmSdbResponseH_t* rhp ); // Return the count of events in a query response. unsigned cmSdbResponseCount( cmSdbResponseH_t rh ); // Return the event at 'index' in from a query response. // Legal 'index' range: 0&lt=index&lt=cmSdbResponseCount(). const cmSdbEvent_t* cmSdbResponseEvent( cmSdbResponseH_t rh, unsigned index ); // Return true if the 'rh' is a non-NULL query response handle. bool cmSdbResponseIsValid( cmSdbResponseH_t rh ); // Release the resource held by a query response. cmSdbRC_t cmSdbResponseFree( cmSdbResponseH_t* rhp ); void cmSdbResponsePrint( cmSdbResponseH_t rh, cmRpt_t* rpt );
// Sequence Related functions //
typedef struct { unsigned uuid; // uuid of sample data base envent. double begSec; // Event start time in seconds. double durSec; // Event duration in seconds. double gain; // Event amplitude scaling factor. unsigned outChIdx; // Output channel index. } cmSdbSeqEvent_t; // Generate a random sequence of events with a programmable // density of events per second. // // 'minEvtPerSec' and 'maxEvtPerSec' specify the min and max count of events // which may be initiated per second. // // The application should release all sequence handles // returned from this function via a call to cmSdbSeqFree(). // cmSdbDestroy() will automatically release any sequence // handles not previously release by cmSdbSeqFree(). // // Note that the event selection is done with replacement. // The same event may therefore be selected more than // once. cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSeqRand( cmSdbResponseH_t rh, unsigned seqDurSecs, unsigned seqChCnt, unsigned minEvtPerSec, unsigned maxEvtPerSec, cmSdbSeqH_t* shp ); // Generate a sequence of serial events w/ gapSec seconds // between each event. Events longer than 'maxEvtDurSec' // seconds are truncated to 'maxEvtDurSec'. cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSeqSerial( cmSdbResponseH_t rh, unsigned seqChCnt, double gapSec, double maxEvtDurSec, cmSdbSeqH_t* shp ); // Generate a chord sequence by randomly selecting one event // from each response handle. cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSeqChord( cmSdbResponseH_t* rhp, // one rhp[rn] query resonse per chord note unsigned rn, // count of response handles in rhp[]. unsigned seqChCnt, // output sequence channel count unsigned maxEvtDurSec, // maximum event duration or 0 to prevent truncation cmSdbSeqH_t* shp ); // Release a sequence. cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSeqFree( cmSdbSeqH_t* shp ); // Return the count of sequence events. unsigned cmSdbSeqCount( cmSdbSeqH_t sh ); // Return a pointer to a specified cmSdbSeqEvent_t record. // where 0 &lt= index &lt cmSdbSeqCount(sh) const cmSdbSeqEvent_t* cmSdbSeqEvent( cmSdbSeqH_t sh, unsigned index ); // Given a seqence index return the associate cmSdbEvent_t. const cmSdbEvent_t* cmSdbSeqSdbEvent( cmSdbSeqH_t sh, unsigned index ); // Return the total duration of the sequence in seconds. double cmSdbSeqDurSeconds( cmSdbSeqH_t sh ); // Return the sample rate of the first event in the sequence that // has a non-zero sample rate. There is no guarantee that all // of the other events in the sequence have the same sample rate // unless this was enforced by the query response that the // sequence was generated from. double cmSdbSeqSampleRate( cmSdbSeqH_t sh ); // Generate an audio from a sequence and return it in // a signal vector. cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSeqToAudio( cmSdbSeqH_t sh, unsigned decayMs, // decay rate for truncated events double noiseDb, // (-70.0) pad signal with white noise to avoid digital silence double evtNormFact, // normalize each sample event by normFact / abs(max(x[])) or 0 to skip normalization cmSample_t** signalRef, // *signalRef[*sigSmpCntRef * sh.chCnt] returned audio signal unsigned* sigSmpCntRef ); // count of frames in *signalRef // Generate an audio file from a sequence vector. cmSdbRC_t cmSdbSeqToAudioFn( cmSdbSeqH_t sh, unsigned decayMs, // decay rate for truncated events double noiseDb, // (-70.0) pad signal with white noise to avoid digital silence double evtNormFact, // normalize each sample event by normFact / abs(max(x[])) or 0 to skip normalization double normFact, // total signal norm factor or 0.0 to skip normalization const cmChar_t* fn, // write the output signal to this audio file unsigned bitsPerSample // audio file bits per sample ); // Print a sequence event listing. void cmSdbSeqPrint( cmSdbSeqH_t sh, cmRpt_t* rpt ); cmSdbRC_t cmSdbTest( cmCtx_t* ctx );