Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

libcm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libcm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmGoertzel : Goertzel tone detection filter.

typedef struct
  double s0;
  double s1;
  double s2;
  double coeff;
  double hz;
} cmGoertzelCh;

struct cmShiftBuf_str;

typedef struct cmGoertzel_str
  cmObj                  obj;
  cmGoertzelCh*          ch;
  unsigned               chCnt;
  double                 srate;
  struct cmShiftBuf_str* shb;
  cmSample_t*            wnd;
} cmGoertzel;

cmGoertzel* cmGoertzelAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmGoertzel* p, double srate, const double* fcHzV, unsigned chCnt, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt, unsigned wndSmpCnt );
cmRC_t cmGoertzelFree( cmGoertzel** pp );
cmRC_t cmGoertzelInit( cmGoertzel* p, double srate, const double* fcHzV, unsigned chCnt, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt, unsigned wndSmpCnt );
cmRC_t cmGoertzelFinal( cmGoertzel* p );
cmRC_t cmGoertzelSetFcHz( cmGoertzel* p, unsigned chIdx, double hz );
cmRC_t cmGoertzelExec( cmGoertzel* p, const cmSample_t* in, unsigned procSmpCnt,  double* outV, unsigned chCnt );

cmGoldCode : Gold code random generator.

typedef struct
  unsigned chN;               // count of channels (each channel has a unique id) 
  double   srate;             // system sample rate (samples/second)
  unsigned lfsrN;             // linear feedback shift register (LFSR) length used to form Gold codes
  unsigned mlsCoeff0;         // LFSR coeff. 0
  unsigned mlsCoeff1;         // LFSR coeff. 1
  unsigned samplesPerChip;    // samples per spreading code bit
  double   rcosBeta;          // raised cosine impulse response beta coeff.
  unsigned rcosOSFact;        // raised cosine impulse response oversample factor
  double   carrierHz;         // carrier frequency
  double   envMs;             // attack/decay envelope duration
} cmGoldSigArg_t;

typedef struct
  int*        pnV;   // pnV[ mlsN ] spread code (aliased from pnM[:,i])
  cmSample_t* bbV;   // bbV[ sigN ] baseband signal at audio rate
  cmSample_t* mdV;   // mdV[ sigN ] modulated signal at audio rate
} cmGoldSigCh_t;

typedef struct 
  cmObj          obj;          
  cmGoldSigArg_t a;            // argument record
  cmGoldSigCh_t* ch;           // ch[ chN ] channel array
  int*           pnM;          // pnM[mlsN,chN] (aliased to ch[].pnV)
  cmSample_t*    rcosV;        // rcosV[rcosN] raised cosine impulse response
  unsigned       rcosN;        // length of raised cosine impulse response
  unsigned       mlsN;         // length of Gold codes (Maximum length sequence length)
  unsigned       sigN;         // length of channel signals bbV[] and mdV[]
  cmFIR*         fir;
} cmGoldSig_t;

cmGoldSig_t* cmGoldSigAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmGoldSig_t* p, const cmGoldSigArg_t* a );
cmRC_t cmGoldSigFree( cmGoldSig_t** pp );

cmRC_t cmGoldSigInit( cmGoldSig_t* p, const cmGoldSigArg_t* a );
cmRC_t cmGoldSigFinal( cmGoldSig_t* p );

cmRC_t cmGoldSigWrite( cmCtx* ctx, cmGoldSig_t* p, const char* fn );

// Generate a signal consisting of  underlying white noise with 
// bsiN repeated copies of the id signal associated with 
// channel 'chIdx'. Each discrete id signal copy is separated by 'dsN' samples.
// The signal will be prefixed with 'prefixN' samples of silence (noise).
// On return sets 'yVRef' to point to the generated signal and 'yNRef'
// to the count of samples in 'yVRef'.
// On error sets yVRef to NULL and  yNRef to zero.
// The vector returned in 'yVRef' should be freed via atMemFree().
// On return sets bsiV[bsiN] to the onset sample index of each id signal copy.
// The background noise signal is limited to the range -noiseGain to noiseGain.
cmRC_t cmGoldSigGen( 
cmGoldSig_t*   p, 
unsigned      chIdx, 
unsigned      prefixN, 
unsigned      dsN, 
unsigned     *bsiV, 
unsigned      bsiN, 
double        noiseGain, 
cmSample_t**  yVRef, 
unsigned*     yNRef );

cmRC_t cmGoldSigTest( cmCtx* ctx );

cmPhat : Phase-aligned transform for generalized cross correlator.

// Flags for use with the 'flags' argument to cmPhatAlloc() 
  kNoFlagsAtPhatFl= 0x00,
  kDebugAtPhatFl  = 0x01,   // generate debugging file
  kHannAtPhatFl   = 0x02    // apply a hann window function to the id/audio signals prior to correlation. 

typedef struct
  cmObj            obj;
  cmFftSR          fft;
  cmIFftRS         ifft;
  float            alpha;
  unsigned         flags;
  cmComplexR_t*    fhM;       // fhM[fhN,chN] FT of each id signal stored in complex form
  float*           mhM;       // mhM[binN,chN] magnitude of each fhM column
  unsigned         chN;       // count of id signals
  unsigned         fhN;       // length of each FT id signal (fft-&gtxN)
  unsigned        binN;       // length of each mhM column (fft-&gtxN/2);
  unsigned          hN;       // length of each time domain id signal (hN&lt=fhN/2)
  unsigned         absIdx;    // abs. sample index of p-&gtdi
  cmSample_t*      dV;        // dV[fhN] delay line
  unsigned         di;        // next input into delay line
  cmSample_t*      xV;        // xV[fhN] linear delay buffer
  cmComplexR_t*   t0V;        // t0V[fhN]
  cmComplexR_t*   t1V;        // t1V[fhN]
  cmSample_t*      wndV;
  cmVectArray_t*   ftVa; 
} cmPhat_t;

// Allocate a PHAT based multi-channel correlator.
// 'chN'  is the maximum count of id signals to be set via cmPhatSetId().
// 'hN' is the the length of the id signal in samples.
// 'alpha' weight used to emphasize the frequencies where the id signal contains energy.
// 'mult' * 'hN' is the correlation length (fhN)
// 'flags' See kDebugAtPhatFl and kWndAtPhatFl.
cmPhat_t* cmPhatAlloc(  cmCtx* ctx, cmPhat_t* p, unsigned chN, unsigned hN, float alpha, unsigned mult, unsigned flags );
cmRC_t    cmPhatFree(   cmPhat_t** pp );

cmRC_t   cmPhatInit(  cmPhat_t* p, unsigned chN, unsigned hN, float alpha, unsigned mult, unsigned flags );  
cmRC_t   cmPhatFinal( cmPhat_t* p );

// Zero the audio delay line and reset the current input sample (di)
// and absolute time index (absIdx) to 0.
cmRC_t   cmPhatReset(  cmPhat_t* p );

// Register an id signal with the correlator.
cmRC_t   cmPhatSetId(  cmPhat_t* p, unsigned chIdx, const cmSample_t* hV, unsigned hN );

// Update the correlators internal delay buffer.
cmRC_t   cmPhatExec(   cmPhat_t* p, const cmSample_t* xV, unsigned xN );

// Set p-&gtxV[0:fhN-1] to the correlation function based on
// correlation between the current audio delay line d[] and
// the id signal in fhM[:,chIdx].
// 'sessionId' and 'roleId' are only used to label the
// data stored in the debug file and may be set to any
// arbitrary value if the debug files are not being generated.
void cmPhatChExec( 
cmPhat_t* p,
unsigned  chIdx,
unsigned  sessionId,
unsigned  roleId);

cmRC_t cmPhatWrite( cmPhat_t* p, const char* dirStr );

cmReflectCal : Calculate the time of flight of Gold code acoustic reflections.

typedef struct
  cmObj obj;
  cmGoldSig_t*     gs;
  cmPhat_t*        phat;
  unsigned         xi;      // index into xV[] of the next sample to output
  unsigned         t;
  unsigned*        t0V;     // t0V[tN] - last tN signal start times 
  unsigned*        t1V;     // t1V[tN] - last tN signal detection times 
  unsigned         tN;
  unsigned         ti;
  cmVectArray_t*   phVa;
  cmVectArray_t*   xVa;
  cmVectArray_t*   yVa;
} cmReflectCalc_t;

cmReflectCalc_t* cmReflectCalcAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmReflectCalc_t* p, const cmGoldSigArg_t* gsa, float phat_alpha, unsigned phat_mult );
cmRC_t cmReflectCalcFree(  cmReflectCalc_t** pp );
cmRC_t cmReflectCalcInit(  cmReflectCalc_t* p, const cmGoldSigArg_t* gsa, float phat_alpha, unsigned phat_mult );
cmRC_t cmReflectCalcFinal( cmReflectCalc_t* p );
cmRC_t cmReflectCalcExec(  cmReflectCalc_t* p, const cmSample_t* xV, cmSample_t* yV, unsigned xyN );
cmRC_t cmReflectCalcWrite( cmReflectCalc_t* p, const char* dirStr );

cmNlms : Normalized least mean squares echo canceller.

typedef struct
  cmObj          obj;
  float          mu;           // LMS step rate
  unsigned       hN;           // filter length
  unsigned       delayN;       // fixed delay to apply to align xV with fV.
  unsigned       dN;           // max length of the fixed delay
  cmSample_t*    delayV;       // delayV[ dN ] fixed delay buffer[]
  unsigned       di;           // delay index
  double*        wV;           // wV[hN] filter weights
  double*        hV;           // hV[hN] filter delay line 
  unsigned       w0i;          // The index into hV[] of the start of the delay line.
  cmVectArray_t* uVa;
  cmVectArray_t* fVa;
  cmVectArray_t* eVa;
} cmNlmsEc_t;

cmNlmsEc_t* cmNlmsEcAlloc( cmCtx* ctx, cmNlmsEc_t* p, double srate, float mu, unsigned hN, unsigned delayN );
cmRC_t      cmNlmsEcFree( cmNlmsEc_t** pp );
cmRC_t      cmNlmsEcInit( cmNlmsEc_t* p, double srate, float mu, unsigned hN, unsigned delayN );
cmRC_t      cmNlmsEcFinal( cmNlmsEc_t* p );

// xV[] unfiltered reference signal  (direct from xform output)
// fV[] filtered reference signal    (from mic)
// yV[] echo-canelled signal 
cmRC_t      cmNlmsEcExec( cmNlmsEc_t* p, const cmSample_t* xV, const cmSample_t* fV, cmSample_t* yV, unsigned xyN );
cmRC_t      cmNlmsEcWrite( cmNlmsEc_t* p, const cmChar_t* dir );

void        cmNlmsEcSetMu(     cmNlmsEc_t* p, float mu );
void        cmNlmsEcSetDelayN( cmNlmsEc_t* p, unsigned delayN );
void        cmNlmsEcSetIrN(    cmNlmsEc_t* p, unsigned irN );

cmSeqAlign : Align two sequences where each sequence is composed of records with varying numbers of features.

typedef struct cmSeqAlignLoc_str
  unsigned                  id;   // location id
  unsigned                  vN;   
  unsigned*                 vV;   // vV[vN]
  struct cmSeqAlignLoc_str* link;
} cmSeqAlignLoc_t;

typedef struct cmSeqAlignSeq_str
  unsigned                  id;
  cmSeqAlignLoc_t*          locL;
  struct cmSeqAlignSeq_str* link;
} cmSeqAlignSeq_t;

typedef struct
  cmObj            obj;
  cmSeqAlignSeq_t* seqL;
} cmSeqAlign_t;

cmSeqAlign_t* cmSeqAlignAlloc(  cmCtx* ctx, cmSeqAlign_t* p );
cmRC_t        cmSeqAlignFree(   cmSeqAlign_t** p );
cmRC_t        cmSeqAlignInit(   cmSeqAlign_t* p );
cmRC_t        cmSeqAlignFinal(  cmSeqAlign_t* p );
cmRC_t        cmSeqAlignInsert( cmSeqAlign_t* p, unsigned seqId, unsigned locId, unsigned value );
cmRC_t        cmSeqAlignExec(   cmSeqAlign_t* p );
void          cmSeqAlignReport( cmSeqAlign_t* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );