Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

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cmUi : UI control manager for rtSys.

typedef cmHandle_t cmUiH_t;

extern cmUiH_t cmUiNullHandle;

// // Master program API //
// Allocate the cmUi manager. If the driver function is not // yet available then set drvrFunc to NULL and use // cmUiSetDriver() to set the driver function at a later // time. cmUiAlloc() stores but does not call the driver // and so it is not needed when the cmUI manager is // constructed - however it must be set prior to making // any other calls to the manager. cmUiRC_t cmUiAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmUiH_t* hp, cmUiDriverFunc_t drvrFunc, // UI driver function void* drvrArg, cmUiDriverFunc_t cbFunc, // client event callback function void* cbArg ); // Release all apps but assume that the driver has already // been released. cmUiRC_t cmUiFree( cmUiH_t* hp ); // Validate the cmUiH_t handle. bool cmUiIsValid( cmUiH_t h ); // Set the driver function. This function allows the driver // set in cmUiAlloc() to be replaced or set following the // call to cmUiAlloc(). // // By setting the driver function to // NULL the application can prevent callback to the driver. // This is useful if the driver has been release prior // to the UI manager begining destroyed. void cmUiSetDriver( cmUiH_t h, cmUiDriverFunc_t drvrFunc, void* drvrArg ); // Register a client application with the cmUi manager. // 'appId' must not have been used by any other previously registered. // application. // Automatically sets and restores the ambient appId. // In a plug-in context this function is generally called // just prior a instantiating a plug-in object. cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateApp( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned asSubIdx ); // Return true if 'appId' is active. bool cmUiAppIsActive( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId ); // Notify the cmUi manager that the resources associated // with a client application can be released. // Automatically sets and restores the ambient appId. cmUiRC_t cmUiDestroyApp( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId ); // Release all apps. // Automatically sets and restores the ambient appId. cmUiRC_t cmUiDestroyAllApps( cmUiH_t h ); // The master program sets the ambient 'appId' prior to passing control // to a client which will make User API calls. By making the // 'appId' an ambient parameter the User API calls are slightly // simplified because they do not have to include it in each of the // function calls. //cmUiRC_t cmUiSetAppId( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId ); //unsigned cmUiAppId( cmUiH_t uiH ); unsigned cmUiAppIdToAsSubIndex( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId ); // Return the count of app's. unsigned cmUiAppCount( cmUiH_t uiH ); // Callbacks from the driver arrive via this function. cmUiRC_t cmUiOnDriverEvent( cmUiH_t uiH, const cmUiDriverArg_t* p );
// // Client Application API //
// See above note on panel tabs acting like radio buttons. cmUiRC_t cmUiCreatePanel( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned newPanelId, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateBtn( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateCheck( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, bool dflt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateLabel( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateString( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* text ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateConsole( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* text ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateNumber( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, double min, double max, double incr, double dflt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateHSlider( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, double min, double max, double incr, double dflt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateVSlider( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, double min, double max, double incr, double dflt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateProgress( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, int min, int max, int dflt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateHMeter( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, int min, int max, int dflt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateVMeter( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, int min, int max, int dflt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateFileBtn( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* dfltDir, const cmChar_t* patStr ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateDirBtn( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* dfltDir ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateMenuBtn( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateMenuBtnV( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* lavel, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* label0, unsigned id0, va_list vl ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateMenuBtnA( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* lavel, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* label0, unsigned id0, ... ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateMenuBtnJson( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* lavel, unsigned flags, const cmJsonNode_t* root, const cmChar_t* memberLabel ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateList( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, unsigned visibleRowCnt ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateListV( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, unsigned visibleRowCnt, const cmChar_t* label0, unsigned id0, va_list vl ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateListA( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, unsigned visibleRowCnt, const cmChar_t* label0, unsigned id0, ... ); cmUiRC_t cmUiCreateListJson( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label, unsigned flags, unsigned visibleRowCnt, const cmJsonNode_t* root, const cmChar_t* memberLabel ); // If 'id' identifies a 'list' control use tabs as column separators. cmUiRC_t cmUiAppendListEle( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* text, unsigned eleId ); // Remove all the elements of a list control. cmUiRC_t cmUiClearList( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id ); // Enable/Disable a control cmUiRC_t cmUiEnableCtl( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id, bool enableFl ); // Enable/disable all controls on a panel except those included in the var args list. // Terminate the var args list with cmInvalidId. cmUiRC_t cmUiEnableAllExceptV( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, bool enableFl, va_list vl ); cmUiRC_t cmUiEnableAllExcept( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, bool enableFl, ... ); // If 'id' identifies a panel then all control belonging to the panel // will also be destroyed. cmUiRC_t cmUiDestroyCtl( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id ); // Returns true if the control exists. // For panels set id=panelId. //bool cmUiCtlExists( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, unsigned id ); // Destroy all the controls in a panel. cmUiRC_t cmUiClearPanel( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); cmUiRC_t cmUiSelectPanel( cmUiH_t uiH, const cmChar_t* label );
// Location:
// 1) If a 'next rect' is set the control will be placed according to it. // 2) If cmUiSetBaseCol() was set then the control will be placed at the // base col and base row. // 3) If cmUiPlaceRight() or cmUIPlaceBelow() have been called since the // previous control was created then the new control will be placed // accordingly. // 4) The control will be placed according to the 'fill rows' flag. // If not set (default) the new control will be placed in the // base column below the previous control. // If 'fill rows' is set the new control will be placed on the // same row to the right of the previous control. // If there is no previous control then it will be placed // in the base column and base row. // Get/Set the fill directions. If the 'fill columns' flag is enabled // then the next control is placed below the previous control otherwise // the next control is placed to the right of the next control. bool cmUiFillRows( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); bool cmUiSetFillRows( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, bool enableFl ); // Place the next control to the right/below of the previous ctl. // These flags override the current fill row/col setting. // Note that 'place right' and 'place below' are mutually // exclusive. Enabling one disables the other. void cmUiPlaceRight( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); void cmUiPlaceBelow( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); // Place the next control at the base column below the previous ctl. void cmUiNewLine( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); // Set/Get current base col and return previous value. Place the next // control on the base row. int cmUiBaseCol( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiSetBaseCol( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int x ); // Set/Get current base row and return previous value. int cmUiBaseRow( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiSetBaseRow( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int y ); // Size: // 1) If a 'next rect' is set the control will be placed according // to it. // 2) If a 'next w/h' is set the control will be placed according // to it. The 'next w/h' setting is only active for the // next control created. // 3) The w/h of the new control will be set to the default w/h. // // Get/Set the default control width and height. // Set returns previous value. int cmUiW( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiH( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiSetW( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int w ); int cmUiSetH( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int h ); void cmUiSetWH( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int w, int h ); // Get/Set the control width and height for only the next control. // Set returns previous value. int cmUiNextW( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiNextH( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); void cmUiSetNextW( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int w ); void cmUiSetNextH( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int h ); void cmUiSetNextWH( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int w, int h ); // Get/Set the default inter-control borders // Set returns previous value. int cmUiHBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiVBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiSetHBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int w ); int cmUiSetVBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int h ); // Get/Set the 'next' inter-control borders // Set returns previous value. int cmUiNextHBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiNextVBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiSetNextHBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int w ); int cmUiSetNextVBorder( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int h ); // Place the next control at the following coordinates. The // specified coordinates are only active during the next // cmUiCreateXXX() call. Setting the 'next rect' overrides all // other layout directives. cmUiRC_t cmUiNextRect( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int x, int y, int w, int h ); // Get the location/size of the previously created control. // All ref. args are optional. cmUiRC_t cmUiPrevRect( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId, int* xRef, int* yRef, int* wRef, int* hRef ); int cmUiPrevL( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiPrevT( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiPrevR( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiPrevB( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiPrevW( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId ); int cmUiPrevH( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned panelId );
// // Get/set the value of UI control. //
// TODO: // + Need functions for setting auxilliary values like // min,max,etc.. // Set the value associated with a control. // Set the local value of the specified control and then // send the value to the UI driver so that the UI reflects this value. cmUiRC_t cmUiSetInt( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, int v ); cmUiRC_t cmUiSetUInt( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, unsigned v ); cmUiRC_t cmUiSetDouble( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, double v ); cmUiRC_t cmUiSetString( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* v ); cmUiRC_t cmUiSetVPrintf(cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl ); cmUiRC_t cmUiSetPrintf( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... ); // Get the value associated with a control. These functions return // the control value cached in the local control, they do not need // to call the driver and are therefore very fast. int cmUiInt( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id ); unsigned cmUiUInt( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id ); double cmUiDouble( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id ); const cmChar_t* cmUiString( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id ); unsigned cmUiListEleCount( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id ); unsigned cmUiListEleId( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, unsigned index ); const cmChar_t* cmUiListEleLabel( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, unsigned index ); unsigned cmUiListEleLabelToIndex( cmUiH_t uiH, unsigned appId, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* label ); // Query/set the current error state. cmUiRC_t cmUiLastRC( cmUiH_t uiH ); cmUiRC_t cmUiSetRC( cmUiH_t uiH, cmUiRC_t rc );