Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

libcm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libcm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmTimeLine : Manage, save, and restore a time-line containing MIDI files, Audio files, Audio events, and arbitrary markers .

typedef cmHandle_t cmTlH_t;

typedef cmRC_t cmTlRC_t;

  kOkTlRC = cmOkRC,

typedef enum
  kMidiFileTlId  = 0x01,
  kMidiEvtTlId   = 0x02,
  kAudioFileTlId = 0x03,
  kAudioEvtTlId  = 0x04,
  kMarkerTlId    = 0x05
} cmTlObjTypeId_t;

  kReservedTlFl = 0x01,
  kNoWriteTlFl  = 0x02   // do not write this object in cmTimeLineWrite()

// marker types

typedef void (*cmTlCb_t)( void* arg, const void* data, unsigned byteCnt );

typedef struct cmTlObj_str
  void*               reserved;     // pt's to _cmTlObj_t 
  unsigned            seqId;        // sequence this object is assigned to
  const cmChar_t*     name;         // text name of this object
  unsigned            uid;          // generated unique id for this object
  cmTlObjTypeId_t     typeId;       // type of the object
  struct cmTlObj_str* ref;          // time reference object
  int                 begSmpIdx;    // start time of this object as an offset from the start time of the reference object
  unsigned            durSmpCnt;    // duration of this object
  int                 seqSmpIdx;    // absolute start time of this object within the sequence
  const cmChar_t*     text;         // points to text assoc'd with this node (file name for audio/midi file, marker text)
  unsigned            flags;        // see kXXXTlFl 
  void*               userDataPtr;  // user customizable data pointer 
} cmTlObj_t;

typedef struct
  cmTlObj_t     obj;
  cmMidiFileH_t h;
  unsigned      noteOnCnt;
  cmChar_t*     fn;
} cmTlMidiFile_t;

// MIDI events generated from MIDI files reference the previous
// MIDI event and the first event in the file references the 
// file object. The 'begSmpIdx' is therefore a delta value
// from the previous event.
typedef struct
  cmTlObj_t               obj;  
  unsigned                midiFileObjId;
  const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* msg;        // w/ dticks converted to samples
} cmTlMidiEvt_t;

typedef struct
  cmTlObj_t         obj;
  cmAudioFileH_t    h;
  cmAudioFileInfo_t info;
  cmChar_t*         fn;
} cmTlAudioFile_t;

typedef struct
  cmTlObj_t       obj;
  cmAudioFileH_t  h;
  unsigned        smpIdx;
  unsigned        smpCnt;
  cmChar_t*       text;
} cmTlAudioEvt_t;

typedef struct
  cmTlObj_t        obj;
  unsigned         typeId;          // marker type see kXXXMarkTlId above.
  const cmChar_t*  text;
  unsigned         bar;             // measure (bar) in which this marker starts
  const cmChar_t*  sectionStr;      // the section in which this marker starts
} cmTlMarker_t;

extern cmTlH_t cmTimeLineNullHandle;

cmTlRC_t        cmTimeLineInitialize( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmTlH_t* hp, cmTlCb_t cbFunc, void* cbArg, const cmChar_t* prefixPath );
cmTlRC_t        cmTimeLineInitializeFromFile( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmTlH_t* hp, cmTlCb_t cbFunc, void* cbArg, const cmChar_t* fn, const cmChar_t* prefixPath );

const cmChar_t* cmTimeLineFileName( cmTlH_t h );
const cmChar_t* cmTimeLinePrefixPath( cmTlH_t h );

cmTlRC_t        cmTimeLineFinalize( cmTlH_t* hp );

bool            cmTimeLineIsValid( cmTlH_t h );
double          cmTimeLineSampleRate( cmTlH_t h );

// Convert global (sequence) time to a time relative to an object.
int             cmTimeLineSeqToLocalSampleIndex( int seqSmpIdx, cmTlObj_t* localObjPtr );

// Given cmTlObj_t.uid return a pointer to the associated record.
// seqId is optional (dflt:cmInvalidId)
cmTlObj_t*      cmTimeLineIdToObj( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned uid );

// Return the object following 'p' assigned to 'seqId'.
// If 'p' is NULL then return the first object assigned to seqId.
// If 'seqId' is set to cmInvalidId then return the next object on any seq.
// If no objects follow 'p' on the specified sequence then return NULL.
cmTlObj_t*       cmTimeLineNextObj( cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* p, unsigned seqId );

// Same as cmTimeLineNextObj() but returns next object whose type matches 'typeId'.
cmTlObj_t*       cmTimeLineNextTypeObj( cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* p, unsigned seqId, unsigned typeId );

cmTlMidiFile_t*  cmTlNextMidiFileObjPtr(  cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op, unsigned seqId );
cmTlAudioFile_t* cmTlNextAudioFileObjPtr( cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op, unsigned seqId );
cmTlMidiEvt_t*   cmTlNextMidiEvtObjPtr(   cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op, unsigned seqId );
cmTlAudioEvt_t*  cmTlNextAudioEvtObjPtr(  cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op, unsigned seqId );
cmTlMarker_t*    cmTlNextMarkerObjPtr(    cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op, unsigned seqId );

cmTlObj_t*       cmTlIdToObjPtr( cmTlH_t h, unsigned uid );

// Cast a genereic cmTlObj_t pointer to a specific type.
cmTlMidiFile_t*  cmTimeLineMidiFileObjPtr(  cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlAudioFile_t* cmTimeLineAudioFileObjPtr( cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlMidiEvt_t*   cmTimeLineMidiEvtObjPtr(   cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlAudioEvt_t*  cmTimeLineAudioEvtObjPtr(  cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlMarker_t*    cmTimeLineMarkerObjPtr(    cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );

// Same as cmTimeLineXXXObjPtr() but does not generate an error when
// 'op' does not point to the correct type. These function quietly
// return NULL if the requested type does not match or 'op' == NULL.
cmTlMidiFile_t*  cmTlMidiFileObjPtr(  cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlAudioFile_t* cmTlAudioFileObjPtr( cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlMidiEvt_t*   cmTlMidiEvtObjPtr(   cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlAudioEvt_t*  cmTlAudioEvtObjPtr(  cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );
cmTlMarker_t*    cmTlMarkerObjPtr(    cmTlH_t h, cmTlObj_t* op );

cmTlAudioFile_t* cmTimeLineFindAudioFile( cmTlH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );
cmTlMidiFile_t*  cmTimeLineFindMidiFile(  cmTlH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );

cmTlAudioFile_t* cmTimeLineAudioFileAtTime( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );
cmTlMidiFile_t*  cmTimeLineMidiFileAtTime(  cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );
cmTlMidiEvt_t*   cmTimeLineMidiEvtAtTime(   cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );
cmTlMarker_t*    cmTimeLineMarkerAtTime(    cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );

cmTlAudioFile_t* cmTimeLineAudioFileAtTime( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );
cmTlMidiFile_t*  cmTimeLineMidiFileAtTime(  cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );
cmTlMidiEvt_t*   cmTimeLineMidiEvtAtTime(   cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );
cmTlMarker_t*    cmTimeLineMarkerAtTime(    cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId, unsigned seqSmpIdx );

cmTlMarker_t*    cmTimeLineMarkerFind( cmTlH_t h, const cmChar_t* markText );

// 'typeId' = kAudioFileTlId, kMidiFileTId, kMarkerTlId.
// 'nameStr' and 'refObjNameStr' may be NULL.
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineInsert( 
cmTlH_t         h, 
const cmChar_t* nameStr, 
unsigned        typeId, 
const cmChar_t* fn_or_markerStr, 
int             begSmpIdx, 
unsigned        durSmpCnt, 
const cmChar_t* refObjNameStr, 
unsigned        seqId ); 

// See src/data/tl0.json for an example JSON file.
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineReadJson(  cmTlH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* ifn );

// Return a count of sequences contained within this timeline.
unsigned cmTimeLineSeqCount( cmTlH_t h );

// Make notifications for all records belonging to the sequence.
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineSeqNotify( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId );

// Create and make notification for audio/MIDI onset marks.
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineGenOnsetMarks( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId );
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineDeleteOnsetMarks( cmTlH_t h, unsigned seqId );

cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineWrite( cmTlH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );

cmTlRC_t cmTimeLinePrint( cmTlH_t h, cmRpt_t* rpt );
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLinePrintFn( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* tlFn, const cmChar_t* prefixPath, cmRpt_t* rpt );
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineReport( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* tlFn, const cmChar_t* prefixPath, const cmChar_t* rptFn );

cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineTest( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* tlFn, const cmChar_t* prefixPath  );

// The time-line notifies listeners of initialization and finalization
// events via calling a cmTlCbFunc_t function.  The argument to this 
// function is a serialized cmTlUiMsg_t.  The recipient of the callback
// can extract information from this message using cmTimeLineDecode()
// to form a cmTlUiMsg_t record. Note that all pointers internal to the
// cmTlUiMsg_t point into the message buffer itself.

// id's used to indicate the type of a serialized object
typedef enum
  kInitMsgTlId,       // A a set of time-line objects is about to be transmitted
  kFinalMsgTlId,      // A time-line object is being finalized.
  kDoneMsgTlId,       // All the objects assoc'd with a time line seq-notify have been sent.
  kInsertMsgTlId,     // A time-line object was inserted.
} cmTlUiMsgTypeId_t;

typedef struct
  cmTlUiMsgTypeId_t       msgId;          // See cmTlUiMsgTypeId_t.
  unsigned                objId;          // Set to cmTlObj_t.uid
  unsigned                seqId;          // Sequence id
  double                  srate;          // Only valid with kInitMsgTlId.
  unsigned                seqCnt;         // Only valid with kInitMsgTlId.
} cmTlUiMsg_t;

// Decode a serialized cmTlObj_t as passed to the cmTlCb_t listener
// callback function.
cmTlRC_t cmTimeLineDecode( const void* msg, unsigned msgByteCnt, cmTlUiMsg_t* uiMsg );