Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

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See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmTaskMgr : Task manager for controlling and monitoring tasks running in independent thread.


typedef cmRC_t cmTmRC_t;

typedef cmHandle_t cmTaskMgrH_t;

extern cmTaskMgrH_t cmTaskMgrNullHandle;

typedef enum
  kQueuedTmId,        // The task is waiting in the queue.
  kStartedTmId,       // The task is running.
  kPausedTmId,        // The task is paused.
  kDeactivatedTmId,   // The task was temporarily deactivated by the system
  kCompletedTmId,     // The task successfully completed.
  kKilledTmId         // The task was killed by the client.
} cmStatusTmId_t;

typedef enum
  kStatusTmId,        // Task status updates. These are automatically sent by the system when the task instance changes state.
  kProgTmId,          // Task progress update. The user function should increment the 'prog' toward 'progCnt'.
  kErrorTmId,         // Error message ('cmTaskMgrStatusArg_t.prog' has error result code)
  kMsgTmId            // Msg from a task instance in cmTaskMgrStatusArg_t.msg[msgByteCnt].
} cmSelTmId_t;

typedef enum 
} cmTaskMgrCtlId_t;

typedef struct cmTaskMgrStatusArg_str
  void*           arg;        // Client status arg. as passed to cmTaskMgrCreate().
  unsigned        instId;     // Task instance id of the task which generated the callback.
  cmSelTmId_t     selId;      // See cmSelTmId_t.
  cmStatusTmId_t  statusId;   // See cmStatusTmId_t.
  unsigned        prog;       // selId==kProgTmId (0&lt=prog&lt=cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t.progCnt) selId=kErrorTmid prog=error result code.
  const cmChar_t* text;       // Used by kErrorTmId.
  const void*     msg;        // Used by kMsgTmId. msg[msgByteCnt]
  unsigned        msgByteCnt;  // Count of bytes in msg[].
} cmTaskMgrStatusArg_t;

typedef void (*cmTaskMgrStatusCb_t)( const cmTaskMgrStatusArg_t* status  );

typedef struct cmTaskMgrFuncArg_str
  void*               reserved; 
  void*               arg;            // 'funcArg' provided by cmTaskMgrCall();
  unsigned            argByteCnt;     // 'funcArgByteCnt' provided by cmTaskMgrCall()
  unsigned            instId;         // Task instance id.
  cmTaskMgrStatusCb_t statusCb;       // Status update function provided by cmTaskMgrCreate().
  void*               statusCbArg;    // Status update function arg. provided by cmTaskMgrCreate().
  unsigned            progCnt;        // Maximum expected value of cmTaskMgrStatusArg_t.prog during execution of this task instance.
  unsigned            pauseSleepMs;   // Length of time to sleep if the task receives a pause command.
} cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t;

// Task process function.
typedef void (*cmTaskMgrFunc_t)(cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* arg );

// Task message receive function.
typedef void (*cmTaskMgrRecv_t)(cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* arg, const void* msg, unsigned msgByteCnt );

// Allocate the task manager.
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrCreate(  
cmCtx_t*             ctx,                 
cmTaskMgrH_t*        hp,                  
cmTaskMgrStatusCb_t  statusCb,            // Task status callbacks.
void*                statusCbArg,         // Status callback arg
unsigned             maxActiveTaskCnt,    // Max. number of active tasks (see Usage notes above.)
unsigned             queueByteCnt,        // Size of task client-&gttaskMgr and taskMgr-&gtclient msg queues.
unsigned             pauseSleepMs );      // Scheduler sleep time. (20-50ms)

// Calling cmTaskMgrDestroy() will send a 'kill' control message
// to any existing worker threads.  The threads will shutdown
// gracefully but the task they were computing will not be completed.
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrDestroy( cmTaskMgrH_t* hp );

  kKillQueuedTmFl  = 0x01,  // Kill any queued (otherwise queued tasks will be started)
  kTimeOutKillTmFl = 0x02   // KIll any instance not completed before returning

// Wait for the current task instances to complete.
// Set 'timeOutMs' to the number of milliseconds to wait for the current tasks to complete.
// Set kKillQueueTmFl to kill any queued tasks otherwise queued tasks will run as usual.
// Set kRefuseCallTmFl to refuse to queue any new tasks following the return from this function.
// Set kTimeOutKillTmFl to kill any tasks that are still running after timeOutMs has expired
// otherwise these tasks will still be running when the function returns.
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrClose( cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned flags, unsigned timeOutMs );

// Return the current number of active tasks.
unsigned cmTaskMgrActiveTaskCount( cmTaskMgrH_t h );

// Return true if the task manager handle is valid.
bool     cmTaskMgrIsValid(   cmTaskMgrH_t h );

// Given a statusId return a the associated label.
const cmChar_t* cmTaskMgrStatusIdToLabel( cmStatusTmId_t statusId );

// Called by the client to give the task mgr an opportunity to execute
// period functions from within the client thread.  Note that 'statusCb()'
// (as passed to cmTaskMgrCreate()) is only called within this function
// This guarantees that all communication with the client occurs in the 
// clients thread.
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrOnIdle( cmTaskMgrH_t h );

// Pause/unpause the task mgr.
// This function pauses/unpauses each worker thread and then the master thread.
// If waitFl is set then the function will not return until each of
// the threads has entered the requested state. If 'waitFl' is false
// The function will wait for the worker threads to pause but will
// only signal the master thread to pause before returning.
bool     cmTaskMgrIsEnabled( cmTaskMgrH_t h );
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrEnable(    cmTaskMgrH_t h, bool enableFl );

// Install a task function and associate it with a label and unique id.
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrInstall( 
cmTaskMgrH_t    h, 
unsigned        taskId,  // Unique task id.
const cmChar_t* label,   // (optional) Task label
cmTaskMgrFunc_t func,    // Task worker function.
cmTaskMgrRecv_t recv);   // (optional) Task message receive function.

// Queue a new task instance.
// The 'queued' status callback occurs from inside this call.
// If this function completes successfully then the client is
// guaranteed to get both a 'kQueuedTmId' status update and
// and a 'kCompletedTmId' update.  Any per task instance cleanup
// can therefore be triggered by the 'kCompleteTmId' status callback.
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrCall( 
cmTaskMgrH_t    h, 
unsigned        taskId,          // Task id of a task previously registered by cmTaskMgrInstall().
void*           funcArg,         // The value assigned to cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t.arg for this instance. 
unsigned        progCnt,         // Max. expected progress value to be eventually reported by this task instances 'kProgTmId' progress updates.
unsigned        queueByteCnt,    // Size of the client-&gttask message buffer.
const cmChar_t* label,           // (optional) Instance label.
unsigned*       retInstIdPtr );  // (optional) Unique id assigned to this instance.

// Start,pause, or kill a task instance.  
// If a queued task is paused then it will remain at the front
// of the queue and tasks behind it in the queue may be executed.
// See the usage note above regarding the interaction between 
// pausing/unpausing, activating/deactivating and the 
// maxActiveTaskCnt parameter.
// Note that killing a task causes it to terminate  quickly
// but this does not imply that the task ends in an uncontrolled
// manner.  Even killed tasks properly release any resource they
// may hold prior to ending. For long running tasks which do not
// have a natural stopping point prior to the end of the client
// process using the kill signal to end the task is both convenient
// and efficient.
// Once a task is paused it is safe to directly interact with 
// the data space it has access to (e.g. cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t.funcArg).
// This is true because the client has control over when the task
// may start again via the cmStartTmId signal.  Note that this is
// not the case for deactivated signals.  Deactivated signals may
// be restarted at any time.  Note however that it is possible to
// pause a deactivated task in which case it's data space may
// be accessed as soon as the client is notified that the task
// has switched to the paused state.
cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrCtl( cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId, cmTaskMgrCtlId_t ctlId );

// Get the status of a task.
cmStatusTmId_t cmTaskMgrStatus( cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId );

// Send a thread-safe msg to a task instance.
cmTmRC_t    cmTaskMgrSendMsg( cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId, const void* msg, unsigned msgByteCnt );

const cmChar_t* cmTaskMgrTaskIdToLabel( cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned taskId );
const cmChar_t* cmTaskMgrInstIdToLabel( cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId );

// The following functions are only valid when the task has completed and
// has a status of either kCompletedTmId.  
const void* cmTaskMgrResult(          cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId );
unsigned    cmTaskMgrResultByteCount( cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId );
void*       cmTaskMgrFuncArg(         cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId );
cmTmRC_t    cmTaskMgrInstDelete(      cmTaskMgrH_t h, unsigned instId );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Worker thread helper functions.
// These functions should only be called from inside the client supplied
// worker function (cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t).

// There are two thread-safe methods the worker thread can use to receive
// raw byte messages from the client.
// 1. Assign a cmTaskMgrRecv_t function at task installation
//    (See cmTaskMgrInstall().) This callback will be invoked from inside
//    cmTaskMgrWorkerHandleCommand()
//    if a client message is found to be waiting.  When this occurs the 
//    worker helper function will return kRecvTmwRC. 
// 2. If the task was not assigned a cmTaskMgrRect_t function then
//    the worker should notice when 
//    cmTaskMgrWorkerHandleCommand() returns cmRecvTmwRC.  When this occurs
//    it should call cmTaskMgrMsgRecv() to copy the message into a
//    locally allocated buffer.  cmTaskMgrWorkerMsgByteCount() can
//    be called to find out the size of the message and therefore
//    the minimum size of the copy destination buffer.

typedef enum
} cmTmWorkerRC_t;

// The instance function cmTaskMgrFunc_t must  poll this 
// function to respond to incoming commands and messages.
// The polling rate should be determined by the application to 
// trade-off the cost of the poll versus the command execution
// latency.  Checking every 20 to 100 milliseconcds is probably
// about right.
// If the function returns 'kStopTmwRC' then the function has received
// a kKillCtlId and should release any resources and return immediately.
// If the function returns 'kRecvTmwRC' and has not registered a 
// cmTaskMgrRecv_t function then it should call cmTaskMgrWorkerRecv()
// to pick up an incoming message from the client.
// If the function returns 'kRecvTmwRC' and does have a registered
// cmTaskMgrRecv_t function then a new message was received by the
// cmTaskMGrRecv_t function.
cmTmWorkerRC_t cmTaskMgrWorkerHandleCommand( cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a );

// Send a task status update to the client.
//cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerSendStatus(    cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, cmStatusTmId_t statusId );

// Send a progress update to the client.
cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerSendProgress(  cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, unsigned prog, const cmChar_t* text );
cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerSendProgressV( cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, unsigned prog, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerSendProgressF( cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, unsigned prog, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );

// Send an error message to the client. The result code is application 
// dependent.  These function return 'rc' as does cmErrMsg().
cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerError(  cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, unsigned rc, const cmChar_t* text );
cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerErrorV( cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, unsigned rc, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerErrorF( cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, unsigned rc, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );

// Set the internal result buffer for this instance.
// This is a convenient way to assign a final result to a instance
// which can eventually be picked up by cmTaskMgrResult()
// after the worker has officially completed.  Alternatively the
// result of the worker computation can be returned using 
// cmTaskMgrWorkerMsgSend().
cmTmRC_t       cmTaskMgrWorkerSetResult(     cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, void* result, unsigned resultByteCnt );

// Get the size of an incoming message sent to this task instance
// from the client.  Use cmTaskMgrWorkerMsgRecv() to get  
// the msg. contents.
unsigned       cmTaskMgrWorkerMsgByteCount(  cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a );

// Copy a msg from the client into buf[bufByteCnt] and 
// return the count of bytes copied into buf[bufByteCnt] or cmInvalidCnt
// if the buf[] was too small. This function is only used when
// the task did notregister a cmTaskMgrRecv_t with cmTaskMgrInstall().
// cmTaskMgrWorkerMsgByteCount() returns the minimum required size of buf[].
unsigned       cmTaskMgrWorkerMsgRecv( cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt );

// Send a generic msg to the client.
cmTmWorkerRC_t cmTaskMgrWorkerMsgSend( cmTaskMgrFuncArg_t* a, const void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt );

cmTmRC_t cmTaskMgrTest(cmCtx_t* ctx);