Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

libcm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libcm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmGrPage : Device independent plotting window with one or more plot views.

  kHashMarkGrFl = 0x10,
  kHashLabelGrFl= 0x20

typedef cmHandle_t cmGrPgH_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmGrVwH_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmGrAxH_t;

extern cmGrPgH_t   cmGrPgNullHandle;
extern cmGrVwH_t   cmGrVwNullHandle;
extern cmGrAxH_t   cmGrAxNullHandle;

// Create a cmGrPage object.
cmGrRC_t cmGrPageCreate( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmGrPgH_t* hp, cmGrCbFunc_t cbFunc, void* cbArg );

// Destroy and release the resources assoc'd with a cmGrPage object;
cmGrRC_t cmGrPageDestroy( cmGrPgH_t* hp );

// Return true if the cmGrPage object handle is valid
bool     cmGrPageIsValid( cmGrPgH_t h );

// Remove all objects from the page.
cmGrRC_t cmGrPageClear( cmGrPgH_t h );

// Intialize the count of rows and columns and setup the default layout.
cmGrRC_t cmGrPageInit( cmGrPgH_t h, const cmGrPExt_t* r, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, cmGrDcH_t dcH  );

// Update the position of the views on the page. 
cmGrRC_t cmGrPageResize( cmGrPgH_t h, const cmGrPExt_t* r, cmGrDcH_t dcH );

// Return the current page size and loc'n as set by cmGrPageInit() or cmGrPageResize().
void     cmGrPageRect(   cmGrPgH_t h, cmGrPExt_t* r );

// Return the count of plot views contained by this page. (rn*cn)
unsigned cmGrPageViewCount( cmGrPgH_t h );

// Enable or disable the focus for a given view.
// Note that the focused view is the view which is the target of controller
// buttons and scrollbars.  This does not refer to the focused object.
// Set 'enableFl' if the view is receiving the focus.
// Clear 'enableFl' if the view is losing focus.
void      cmGrPageViewFocus( cmGrPgH_t h, unsigned vwIdx, bool enableFl );

// Return the view which currently has the focus or cmGrVwNullHandle if
// no view has the focus.
cmGrVwH_t cmGrPageFocusedView( cmGrPgH_t h );

bool      cmGrPageLayout( cmGrPgH_t h, cmGrDcH_t dcH );

// Draw the page.
void      cmGrPageDraw( cmGrPgH_t h, cmGrDcH_t dcH );

// Label callback functions are used to translate numeric axis values to
// text strings.  Multiple label callback functions can be registered with
// a page and then assigned to a given view axis via cmGrViewSetLabelFunc().
typedef void (*cmGrLabelFunc_t)( void* arg, cmChar_t* label, unsigned labelCharCnt, cmGrV_t value );

// Returns id of the new page label function.
unsigned         cmGrPageLabelFuncRegister( cmGrPgH_t h, cmGrLabelFunc_t func, void* arg, const cmChar_t* label );      
unsigned         cmGrPageLabelFuncCount(    cmGrPgH_t h );
unsigned         cmGrPageLabelFuncIndexToId( cmGrPgH_t h, unsigned index );
unsigned         cmGrPageLabelFuncLabelToId( cmGrPgH_t h, const cmChar_t* label );
cmGrLabelFunc_t  cmGrPageLabelFunc(         cmGrPgH_t h, unsigned id );
const cmChar_t*  cmGrPageLabelFuncLabel(    cmGrPgH_t h, unsigned id );
void*            cmGrPageLabelFuncArg(      cmGrPgH_t h, unsigned id );

cmGrView : Device independent plotting view.

// Get a view handle from the view index.
cmGrVwH_t cmGrPageViewHandle( cmGrPgH_t h,  unsigned vwIdx );

// Get a view handle from to cmGrH_t.
cmGrVwH_t cmGrPageGrHandleToView( cmGrPgH_t h, cmGrH_t grH );

bool      cmGrViewIsValid( cmGrVwH_t h );

// Initialize a plot view. title,xLabel, and yLabel are optional.
cmGrRC_t cmGrViewInit( cmGrVwH_t h, cmGrH_t grH, const cmChar_t* vwTitle, const cmChar_t* xLabel, const cmChar_t* yLabel );

// Remove all objects from the view.
cmGrRC_t cmGrViewClear( cmGrVwH_t h );

// Get the plot views physical extents. This function will return the
// current view location/size only after a call to cmGrPageDraw().
// See the implementation note at the top of this file.
cmGrRC_t cmGrViewPExt( cmGrVwH_t h, cmGrPExt_t* pext );

bool      cmGrViewHasFocus( cmGrVwH_t h );

// Get the cmGrH_t associated with a view.
cmGrH_t         cmGrViewGrHandle(      cmGrVwH_t h );

// kExpandViewGrFl | kSelectHorzGrFl | kSelectVertGrFl
void            cmGrViewSetCfg(        cmGrVwH_t h, unsigned cfgFlags );
unsigned        cmGrViewCfg(           cmGrVwH_t h );
void            cmGrViewSetTitle(      cmGrVwH_t h, const cmChar_t* title );
const cmChar_t* cmGrViewTitle(         cmGrVwH_t h );
void            cmGrViewSetFontFamily( cmGrVwH_t h, unsigned id );
unsigned        cmGrViewFontFamily(    cmGrVwH_t h );
void            cmGrViewSetFontStyle(  cmGrVwH_t h, unsigned flags );
unsigned        cmGrViewFontStyle(     cmGrVwH_t h );
void            cmGrViewSetFontSize(   cmGrVwH_t h, unsigned size );
unsigned        cmGrViewFontSize(      cmGrVwH_t h );

// Assign a translation function to be used with cmGrViewValue().
// cmLeftGrIdx or cmGrRightGrIdx is used to assign y axis translation functions.
// cmTopGrIdx or cmGrBottomGrIdx is used to assign x axis translation functions.
// 'pgLabelFuncId' must be a valid page label function id as returned from cmGrPageLabelFuncRegister().
// or cmGrPageLabelFuncIndexToId().
void            cmGrViewSetLabelFunc(  cmGrVwH_t h, cmGrAxisIdx_t axisId, unsigned pgLabelFuncId );

typedef enum
} cmGrViewValueId_t;
const cmChar_t* cmGrViewValue( cmGrVwH_t h, cmGrViewValueId_t id, cmChar_t* buf, unsigned bufCharCnt );

// Get an axis handle.
cmGrAxH_t     cmGrViewAxisHandle(    cmGrVwH_t h,  cmGrAxisIdx_t axisIdx  );

cmGrAxis : Device independent plotting axis.

bool            cmGrAxisIsValid(            cmGrAxH_t h );
// kHashMarkGrFl | kHashLabelGrFl
void            cmGrAxisSetCfg(             cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned cfgFlags );
unsigned        cmGrAxisCfg(                cmGrAxH_t h );
void            cmGrAxisSetTitle(           cmGrAxH_t h, const cmChar_t* title );
const cmChar_t* cmGrAxisTitle(              cmGrAxH_t h  );
void            cmGrAxisTitleSetFontFamily( cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned id );
unsigned        cmGrAxisTitleFontFamily(    cmGrAxH_t h );
void            cmGrAxisTitleSetFontStyle(  cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned flags );
unsigned        cmGrAxisTitleFontStyle(     cmGrAxH_t h );
void            cmGrAxisTitleSetFontSize(   cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned size );
unsigned        cmGrAxisTitleFontSize(      cmGrAxH_t h );

void            cmGrAxisLabelSetFontFamily( cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned id );
unsigned        cmGrAxisLabelFontFamily(    cmGrAxH_t h );
void            cmGrAxisLabelSetFontStyle(  cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned flags );
unsigned        cmGrAxisLabelFontStyle(     cmGrAxH_t h );
void            cmGrAxisLabelSetFontSize(   cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned size );
unsigned        cmGrAxisLabelFontSize(      cmGrAxH_t h );

// Assign a translation function for the value on this axis.  
// 'pgLabelFuncId' must be a valid page label function id as returned from cmGrPageLabelFuncRegister().
// or cmGrPageLabelFuncIndexToId().
void            cmGrAxisSetLabelFunc(      cmGrAxH_t h, unsigned pgLabelFuncId );