Copyright (C) Kevin Larke 2009-2020

This file is part of libcm.

libcm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

libcm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the GNU General Public License distributed with the libcm package or look here: .

cmGnuPlot : Interface to GNU Plot.


  kInvalidPlotPtId    = 0x000,
  kPlusPlotPtId       = 0x001,
  kXPlotPtId          = 0x002,
  kAsteriskPlotPtId   = 0x003,
  kSquarePlotPtId     = 0x004,
  kFillSquarePlotPtId = 0x005,
  kCirclePlotPtId     = 0x006,
  kFillCirclePlotPtId = 0x007,
  kTriPlotPtId        = 0x008,
  kFillTriPlotPtId    = 0x009,
  kInvTriPlotPtId     = 0x00a,
  kInvFillTriPlotPtId = 0x00b,
  kDiamondPlotPtId    = 0x00c,
  kFillDiamonPlotPtId = 0x00d,
  kPlotPtMask         = 0x00f,

  kInvalidPlotLineId   = 0x000,   // -2 after translation
  kSolidPlotLineId     = 0x010,   // -1 after translation
  kDashPlotLineId      = 0x020,   // 0 after translation
  kPlotLineMask        = 0x0f0,
  kPlotLineShift       = 4

  kImpulsePlotFl       = 0x100

/// Set terminal to NULL to use the default terminal.
cmRC_t cmPlotInitialize( const char* terminalStr );

// Combines initializaion and setup in a single call.
cmRC_t cmPlotInitialize2( const char* terminalStr, const char* title, unsigned rowCnt, unsigned colCnt );

cmRC_t cmPlotFinalize();

/// Setup the plot page
cmRC_t cmPlotSetup( const char* title, unsigned rowCnt, unsigned colCnt );

/// Select sub-plot to apply subsequent commands to
cmRC_t cmPlotSelectSubPlot( unsigned ri, unsigned ci );

/// Clear the current current subplot 
cmRC_t cmPlotClear();

/// Set the labels on the current sub-plot
cmRC_t cmPlotSetLabels( const char* title, const char* xLabelStr, const char* yLabelStr, const char* zLabelStr ); 

/// Set the default ranges for the x, y and z axes. To leave the ranges at their current values set the min and max to -1.
/// The range values are used to form data sets when data is not explicitely given.
cmRC_t cmPlotSetRange( double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, double zMin, double zMax ); 

/// If x or y is given as NULL then the values will be taken from the range settings xMin:xMax or yMin:yMax.
/// Use the gnuplot command:'test' to see the valid lineType and pointType values for a given terminal
/// Color string may be any of the predefined color labels: show palette colornames or and rgb value: e.g. #FF00FF
cmRC_t cmPlotLineF( const char* legendStr, const float*  x, const float*  y, const float*  z, unsigned n, const char* colorStr, unsigned styleFlags );
cmRC_t cmPlotLineD( const char* legendStr, const double* x, const double* y, const double* z, unsigned n, const char* colorStr, unsigned styleFlags );

cmRC_t cmPlotLineMD( const double* x, const double* y, const double* z, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, unsigned styleFlags );

#if CM_FLOAT_SMP == 1
#define cmPlotLineS cmPlotLineF
#define cmPlotLineS cmPlotLineD

#if CM_FLOAT_REAL == 1
#define cmPlotLineR cmPlotLineF
#define cmPlotLineR cmPlotLineD

cmRC_t cmPlotDraw();
cmRC_t cmPlotPrint( bool printDataFl );
cmRC_t cmPlotDrawAndPrint( bool printDataFl );